The Power of the Number 18 Unveiled: Synchronicities and the Mysterious Silo Connection!

Uncover the enigmatic significance of Silo's recurring number 18 and its intriguing connection to the captivating storyline of Season 2
In Apple TV+'s Silo, the appearance of the number "18" throughout season 1, particularly in episode 9, sparks curiosity. In episode 8, Juliette finds herself in a precarious situation as Bernard betrays her and tries to obtain her hard drive. Despite this, Juliette manages to evade the Silo's law enforcement and avoid imprisonment. In episode 9, Juliette races against time to access George Wilkins' hard drive while Bernard grows increasingly anxious, fearing that Juliette's actions could disrupt order within the Silo.
After narrowly escaping Sims and Bernard in the closing moments of episode 8, Juliette cleverly seeks refuge at Sims' home, knowing it would be the last place he would search. Her plan succeeds, leaving Bernard in a state of frantic contemplation as he deliberates his next course of action. In episode 9, within the confines of his mayor's office, Bernard discusses his concerns about Juliette's escape with Sims while repeatedly glancing at a red glowing keychain on his desk adorned with the number "18."
The Meaning Of "18" In Silo Explained
In Silo episode 9, Bernard questions Lukas and warns him about the potential consequences of his involvement with Juliette. Lukas remembers that even Juliette's hard drive had the number "18" on it. This suggests that the central Silo in the show is Silo number 18, possibly indicating the existence of at least 18 other Silos that maintain communication with each other. Bernard's keychain, with its flickering red light, could serve as an emergency signal to other Silos, allowing him to request assistance.
As Silo episode 9 progresses, Bernard grows increasingly anxious when he fails to prevent Juliette's actions. This suggests that he may also answer to higher authorities and does not have full knowledge of the Silo's secrets, despite his position as the head of IT for Silo-18. Similar to Judge Meadows of the Judicial, Bernard likely takes orders from authorities residing in another Silo. Additionally, the discovery of a door beneath the central Silo by George Wilkins implies the existence of underground tunnels connecting Silo-18 to other Silos.
How Number "18" Foreshadows Silo Season 2's Story
Silo's number "18" is just the beginning of the vast lore in Hugh Howey's book trilogy. In season 2, we can expect the introduction of new characters who will bring an even greater level of corruption and authoritarianism than Bernard. While the revelation of Silo-18 doesn't provide much insight into the origins of the underground city, its purpose, or the state of the outside world, it does promise that the conflicts and power struggles in season 2 will be more intricate. Juliette's fate in her Silo remains uncertain, but she may have a chance to escape her seemingly inevitable demise if she discovers the existence of other Silos nearby.
Catch the latest episodes of Silo every Friday on Apple TV+.