The Real Magic Behind Super Mario Bros Wonder: A Game-Changer for the Series

The Real Magic Behind Super Mario Bros Wonder: A Game-Changer for the Series

Super Mario Bros Wonder's unparalleled creativity sets a new benchmark for the series, leaving a lasting impression that future games would be wise to emulate


Super Mario Bros. Wonder is an innovative installment that sets a high standard for future games in the series, promising exciting gameplay and fresh ideas.

With its innovative Wonder Flower and distinct gameplay elements, the game sets itself apart from previous versions, demonstrating a commitment to breaking norms instead of relying on proven formulas. This approach holds the promise of inspiring future Mario games, as Nintendo continues to introduce truly original mechanics to each installment.

Super Mario Bros. Wonder sets a high standard for the future of the series, ensuring a positive influence on upcoming games. As Nintendo's most iconic franchise, the Super Mario Bros. series has consistently delivered monumental success throughout its history. Naturally, Nintendo aims to continue evolving the series, ensuring each new game surpasses its predecessor. Super Mario Bros. Wonder embodies this concept flawlessly, positioning itself as a significant addition to the franchise.

Given Mario's status as Nintendo's beloved mascot, it comes as no surprise that the company is continuously developing multiple Mario games. Mario and his games have become a cornerstone of the series, and Nintendo has successfully upheld this position. Launching a new Mario title with every Nintendo console has become a tradition, and his captivating adventures and spin-offs consistently rank among the most popular games for each respective console. Super Mario Bros. Wonder proudly carries on this impressive legacy and promises to fulfill its role with excellence.

Super Mario Bros. Wonder's Creativity is its Biggest Asset

The Real Magic Behind Super Mario Bros Wonder: A Game-Changer for the Series

The entries in the Super Mario Bros. series are excellent examples of games that have stood the test of time, remaining enjoyable and thrilling to play even after many years since their original release. The original Super Mario Bros. continues to attract both casual players and a dedicated speedrunning community. However, despite the success of its formula, there is a potential risk in how similar the games can feel to each other. While the series' platforming is considered top-notch in the industry, most of the games share striking similarities in terms of gameplay. Sometimes, introducing a new power-up or two is insufficient to create a sequel that truly stands out.

Thankfully, it appears that Super Mario Bros. Wonder is not at all lacking in innovation. The features revealed for Super Mario Bros. Wonder present a game that ventures into uncharted territory, setting itself apart from previous installations in an impressive manner. The primary source of excitement lies in the Wonder Flower, which brings about dramatic changes to levels once acquired. Although there are surely numerous undisclosed Wonder Flower effects, the glimpses shown in the trailer are sufficient to assure fans that Wonder will offer a genuinely unique adventure.

Super Mario Bros. Wonder not only showcases innovation but also paves the way for the future of Mario games. Nintendo's willingness to think creatively with Super Mario Bros.' formula is a promising sign. While recent Super Mario games have experimented with unique concepts like hat possession and world-traveling gimmicks, Wonder stands out as the most extravagant game in this regard. Creative ideas differentiate games, even when the gameplay resembles previous entries, as demonstrated by Super Mario Bros. Wonder.

Hopefully, Super Mario Bros. Wonder sets a new trend rather than being a one-time occurrence for the series. By breaking conventions and introducing fresh designs, Wonder can bring a refreshing approach to the Super Mario Bros. franchise. If future titles also find ways to innovate within the formula, they will have greater longevity than simply revisiting old concepts. Preserving the boundless creativity of Super Mario Bros. Wonder would greatly benefit Mario's future.

Super Mario Bros. Wonder will be released on October 20, 2023 for the Nintendo Switch.