The Potential of Cruella 2: Exploring the Aftermath and the Path to Villainy

The Potential of Cruella 2: Exploring the Aftermath and the Path to Villainy

Cruella writer Tony McNamara shares his thoughts on a potential Cruella 2 and the exploration of the aftermath of the first movie. The sequel could delve into how Cruella embraces her power, agency, and the descent into villainy. This article discusses the potential themes and character developments for Cruella 2.

Exploring the Aftermath of Cruella

Cruella writer Tony McNamara recently discussed the potential for a sequel to the iconic Disney movie and what it could explore. The first Cruella movie delved into the origins of the iconic Disney villain, shedding light on her love for fashion and her relationships with Jasper and Horace. It also highlighted the theme of power and its potential to corrupt, as Cruella begins to lose herself in her work and the newfound popularity she gains.

Emma Stone as Cruella de Vil in Cruella

Emma Stone as Cruella de Vil in Cruella

In an exclusive interview, McNamara expressed his interest in exploring the aftermath of the first movie in a potential sequel. He emphasized the significance of the power and agency that Cruella gains at the end of the first movie, posing thought-provoking questions about how she would wield that power and what she would seek now that she has it. He also hinted at the complex dynamics of family and the past, suggesting that these themes could be further developed in a sequel.

Disney's Cruella; Journalist in Cruella

Disney's Cruella; Journalist in Cruella

Embracing Villainy: The Path to Cruella's Descent

The first Cruella movie positioned the titular character as the protagonist, showcasing her journey and the challenges she faced, particularly in her feud with the Baroness. Despite her struggles, her friends were able to pull her back from the edge, emphasizing the internal conflict within Cruella. By the end of the movie, Cruella reclaims the power that was taken from her, setting the stage for a potential descent into villainy.

Emma Stone as Cruella de Vil

Emma Stone as Cruella de Vil

A sequel to Cruella could delve into the darker aspects of Cruella's character, exploring how the power she has acquired begins to corrupt her. While the first movie portrayed her as not fully embracing her villainous nature, the sequel could depict her gradual transformation into a darker and more ruthless character. The absence of a true mentor or parental figure in her life, coupled with her newfound power, could lead to a dangerous path of corruption and cruelty.

Cruella De Vil holding a match and wearing a white robe.

Cruella De Vil holding a match and wearing a white robe.

The Evolution of Cruella: From Agency to Influence

Cruella's evolution from a woman with agency and power to a figure of influence and control could be a central theme in a potential sequel. The exploration of how she exercises her newfound power and the impact it has on her relationships, particularly with Jasper and Horace, could offer compelling character development. The sequel could also pave the way for her actions in the future, setting the stage for her portrayal in 101 Dalmatians.

Emma Stone as Cruella

Emma Stone as Cruella

The absence of a true mentor or parental figure in her life, coupled with her newfound power, could lead to a dangerous path of corruption and cruelty. As Cruella's actions become increasingly ruthless, the kindness she once possessed may fade, marking a significant shift in her character. The potential sequel presents an opportunity to delve into the complex dynamics of power, influence, and the consequences of unchecked ambition.