Cruella 2 Update: The Latest on the Disney Sequel
Cruella 2: A highly anticipated Disney live-action sequel is officially underway, delving deeper into the captivating story of one of Disney's most iconic villains Get ready for an exhilarating blend of fashion, intrigue, and unexpected twists!
The second installment of Disney's live-action sequel to Cruella is officially underway. Here's everything we know about the continuation of the iconic villain's story. Disney has achieved great success by transitioning their beloved animated classics into live-action adaptations, with Cinderella, The Little Mermaid, and others all receiving the same treatment.
The 2021 film Cruella completely changed the game by offering an original story about the iconic villain, Cruella De Vil, based on the classic 101 Dalmatians film. While other Disney live-action adaptations have largely stuck to the original stories, Cruella broke the mold.
Emma Stone is set to reprise her role as the iconic character in Cruella 2. The 2021 film took a fresh approach by portraying the titular character as an anti-hero with impeccable fashion sense and a flair for extravagant and audacious pranks.
Following a positive reception from critics and fans, Disney has officially announced that Emma Stone will reprise her role as Cruella in a sequel. Now, let's take a look at all the details we have about Cruella 2, including the cast, potential release date, and more.
Cruella 2 release date speculation: When will the film release?
Apologies to fans, it looks like we'll have to wait a bit longer for the release of Cruella 2 in theaters. However, lead actor Emma Stone gave an encouraging update in a recent interview with Variety. Stone revealed that the sequel is a "work in progress" and they hope to start shooting "hopefully sooner, rather than later."
"Stone discusses the status of Cruella 2, describing it as a 'work in progress' and expressing hope that filming can start sooner rather than later."
Cruella 2 casting details
As of the current writing, the return of actors for Cruella 2 remains uncertain. Emma Stone has confirmed her reprisal of the titular role, but the participation of the supporting cast is still pending announcement.
Cruella 2: Plot and story speculation
Despite Emma Thompson’s character the Baroness seemingly meeting a grim end in the first film, the possibility of her return cannot be ruled out. In the world of Disney, anything is possible, even bringing back characters from the afterlife.
Since Cruella was primarily an origins story, the sequel will likely feature a more mature and confident version of the character. For those needing a reminder, the trailer for the first film is included below.
Now that Cruella is established as the main identity for the character, the sequel may delve into her villainous origins or continue to portray her as a rebellious anti-hero.
Be sure to check back in with this article as we update it with all the latest Cruella 2 details, rumors, and more.
Editor's P/S
As a Gen Z netizen, I am thrilled about the news of Cruella 2 being officially underway. The first movie was a refreshing take on a classic Disney villain, and I can't wait to see what the sequel has in store. Emma Stone's portrayal of Cruella was captivating, and I'm excited to see her bring the character to life once again. The blend of fashion, intrigue, and unexpected twists promises an exhilarating experience, and I can't wait to see how the story unfolds.
However, I do have some concerns about the potential direction of the sequel. While I appreciate the originality of the first movie, I hope that the sequel doesn't stray too far from the classic Cruella De Vil character. I'm also curious about how they will handle the return of Emma Thompson's character, the Baroness, who seemingly met her demise in the first film. Overall, I'm cautiously optimistic about Cruella 2 and eager to see how it turns out.