The Outer Worlds 2: Embracing Fantasy - The One Reason that Will Blow Your Mind!

The Outer Worlds 2: Embracing Fantasy - The One Reason that Will Blow Your Mind!

The Outer Worlds 2's embrace of fantastical sci-fi elements could give it a distinct advantage over rival RPGs, elevating its immersive world and setting it apart from the competition

Obsidian Entertainment's The Outer Worlds draws on the successful formula of Fallout: New Vegas and combines it with the allure of exploration that sci-fi fans have been longing for. With the development of The Outer Worlds 2 underway, Obsidian has the opportunity to fully embrace this concept by venturing into a new star system, diverging from the more realistic sci-fi approach that their upcoming RPG counterpart, Starfield, seems to be pursuing.

While there is still much to be revealed about The Outer Worlds 2, the promise of uncharted landscapes and intriguing characters opens up numerous possibilities for its sci-fi influences. The teaser showcases vibrant environments and terrifying alien creatures, all while maintaining the satirical humor that the first game has become renowned for. While The Outer Worlds delved into sci-fi elements such as innovative weapons, robotic companions, and the influence of space capitalism, its sequel has the potential to delve even deeper into the realm of fantasy, fully embracing the extraordinary aspects of the sci-fi genre.

The Outer Worlds 2 Could Go All Out on its Fantasy Sci-Fi Elements

The Outer Worlds 2: Embracing Fantasy - The One Reason that Will Blow Your Mind!

Bethesda's Starfield offers a more realistic take on the genre, evident in its stunning visuals and focus on human technological advancements in a plausible future. However, it remains uncertain if the game will include encounters with intelligent life forms. This leaves room for The Outer Worlds 2 to potentially explore alien enemies and companions.

On the other hand, The Outer Worlds 2 can elevate its own unique appeal by showcasing breathtaking landscapes that are both fantastical and distinct from Starfield. The game's teaser already hints at this potential with its dazzling plants and towering, ethereal trees. This setting opens up exciting opportunities for scavenging gameplay, where players can collect scattered materials throughout the planets to craft inventive weapon upgrades. Such interactions with the terrain would enhance the sense of exploration and discovery.

Tonally, The Outer Worlds 2 will maintain the same sense of humor as the original while incorporating a more fantastical element. Unlike Bethesda's serious approach in Starfield, The Outer Worlds 2 has the opportunity to explore comical situations and satirize contrasting economic systems, such as humans with capitalist lifestyles meeting aliens with socialist economies. This adds depth to the planets and characters players can encounter and allows for a range of decision-making, similar to Disco Elysium.

While The Outer Worlds 2 may not match the expansive exploration of Starfield, its concentrated focus on discovering planets offers a chance for immersive world-building and rich characterization. With a more imaginative portrayal of space travel, the game can explore limitless possibilities within a new star system. The way in which The Outer Worlds 2 distinguishes itself through its tone will significantly impact its reception, and as Obsidian Entertainment continues developing the game, it remains to be seen how it will stand apart from Bethesda's work.

The Outer Worlds 2 is currently in development.