The Must-Have Companion for The Outer Worlds 2: Are You Ready for It?

The Must-Have Companion for The Outer Worlds 2: Are You Ready for It?

The Outer Worlds 2's incredible companions made the game unforgettable To keep fans excited, the sequel must introduce a new type of companion A dog-like companion would be the perfect addition to explore the galaxy with, bringing a new level of loyalty and charm to the game

The Outer Worlds provided RPG fans with a refreshing and creative gameplay experience that was both witty and entertaining. With the development of The Outer Worlds 2 underway, fans of Obsidian Entertainment's signature style are eagerly anticipating what new heights the developer will reach. The first game's strong foundation of equally impressive gameplay and story has set the bar high for the sequel. One of the biggest questions surrounding The Outer Worlds 2 is how it will surpass the fan-favorite companions of the first game.

The companions in The Outer Worlds were one of its standout features, elevating the common RPG mechanic to new heights. Obsidian's skill in crafting memorable and endearing personalities shone through in characters like Parvati, Ellie, and even the less-remembered Felix. These companions brought a unique charm to the game, enhancing the experience of exploring the Halcyon colony. In The Outer Worlds 2, Obsidian has the opportunity to introduce a new companion character that emulates the loyalty and companionship of man's best friend, taking their companion offerings to the next level.

The Outer Worlds 2 Should Have a Dog-Like Companion

The Must-Have Companion for The Outer Worlds 2: Are You Ready for It?

Obsidian should consider a unique approach when designing companions for The Outer Worlds 2. While the previous game included useful and entertaining humanoid companions, a dog-like companion with a sci-fi twist could introduce exciting gameplay mechanics and become a beloved addition to the franchise's cast. Think of the loyalty and companionship a dog-like companion could bring to the player's journey through the vast reaches of space. The possibilities are endless.

The Must-Have Companion for The Outer Worlds 2: Are You Ready for It?

The use of dogs and other canine creatures in video games has been prevalent for many years. These animals have added an extra layer of excitement to popular franchises like Call of Duty, especially in campaign missions and multiplayer matches. However, what really stands out is the example set by Fallout 4, where a German Shepherd named Dogmeat plays an integral role in combat and quests. The Outer Worlds 2 could take inspiration from this by introducing a similar type of companion that fits seamlessly into the game's world. For instance, a friendly Raptidon or Canid could be the perfect addition to the game. Alternatively, Obsidian could opt to introduce a completely new creature, which would be in keeping with the exploration of a new star system.

The potential for gameplay in The Outer Worlds 2 is vast and could include mechanics inspired by Fallout 4, such as a dog-like companion that can aid in combat by distracting enemies or helping players locate hidden gear. Adding customizable headgear and armor to this companion would further enhance the experience. Additionally, implementing quests centered around this new companion would allow for even more immersive gameplay, in the same vein as the unique quests found in The Outer Worlds with its human companions. As one of the game's greatest strengths, expanding on the companion system in The Outer Worlds 2 would undoubtedly be a wise move for Obsidian.

The Outer Worlds 2 is currently in development.