The New Walking Dead Successor Falls Short of Expectations
Negan's successor in The Walking Dead falls short, failing to live up to the iconic villain's captivating presence and leaving fans disappointed with the new leader at the Sanctuary
Article Overview
The new leader of the Sanctuary in Fear the Walking Dead is a major disappointment, lacking the same intimidation factor as Negan.
The replacement of Negan in The Walking Dead franchise has been disappointing as the new Sanctuary leader's unsuccessful attempt to shoot a teenage girl reveals his lack of authority, fear factor, and moral depth in comparison to Negan.
The Walking Dead franchise has introduced a disappointing replacement for Negan as the leader of the Sanctuary in Fear the Walking Dead season 8, episode 9. The new character fails to live up to Negan's greatness and lacks the intimidation factor he once possessed. The franchise has struggled to introduce a villain as thrilling and impactful as Negan since he became an antihero and got his own show. It's similar to the Marvel Cinematic Universe's challenges in replacing Thanos. Negan was the main antagonist that the flagship series of The Walking Dead took years to build up to. Now that his story has concluded, the franchise needs a new formidable villain, but the one suggested in Fear the Walking Dead is underwhelming.
The Sanctuary's New Villain Leader Is Useless Compared To Negan
Dwight returns to the Sanctuary after encountering Jay, a survivor whose insulin was stolen by the bandits residing there. Despite the daunting circumstances under Negan's rule, Dwight successfully infiltrates the Sanctuary, eliminates one of the bandits in a furnace, and retrieves the stolen insulin. It is noteworthy that in the past, anyone seeking to enter the Sanctuary would not have stood a chance before even reaching the gates. Adding to the incompetence of the Sanctuary's current leadership, they allow Dwight to enter again, this time to assist Dove.
Dove, lacking faith in the current leadership, attempts to flee the Sanctuary, fueled by witnessing their numerous mistakes. Dwight's ease of entry into the Sanctuary on two separate occasions further raises doubts about the leader's capabilities. Furthermore, his attempt to shoot a teenage girl highlights his tendency to harm those beneath him, only to ultimately meet his demise at the hands of a walker. This new Walking Dead villain fails to inspire fear or intimidation.
Walking Dead's Sanctuary Return Cements Negan As TWD's Definitive Villain
The introduction and immediate demise of Negan's successor in the same episode emphasizes that Negan is undeniably the ultimate antagonist in The Walking Dead series. The new leader of the Sanctuary showcased his authority by attempting to shoot a teenage girl, highlighting his inferiority to Negan both in terms of strength and intimidation. Moreover, this act exposed his lack of the intricate moral compass that made Negan such a multifaceted persona.
Editor's P/S
The Walking Dead franchise has had a long and successful run, but it seems that the show may have finally met its match. The new leader of the Sanctuary in Fear the Walking Dead season 8, episode 9 is a major disappointment, lacking the same intimidation factor as Negan. This new villain is a far cry from the charismatic and ruthless Negan, and it's clear that the show is struggling to find a worthy successor.
Negan was a complex and well-developed villain, and his departure from the show has left a big void. The new leader of the Sanctuary is a one-dimensional character who is simply not as interesting or compelling as Negan. He is also not as intimidating, and his attempt to shoot a teenage girl only served to highlight his weakness. It's clear that the show needs to do a better job of developing its villains if it wants to keep fans engaged.