The Mythical Menace: Unveiling the Enigma of Wheel of Time's Ghost Army

The Mythical Menace: Unveiling the Enigma of Wheel of Time's Ghost Army

Unveiling the Origins of The Heroes of the Horn in Wheel of Time and their Vital Role in the Series' Climax Discover the Prominent Figures and the Intriguing Connection Between One Hero and a Key Wheel of Time Character

Warning: Spoilers for The Wheel of Time season 2, episode 8


In the second season of The Wheel of Time, the Heroes of the Horn take center stage, playing a crucial part in the show's plot and having a strong connection to the Horn of Valere. These individuals, known as the Heroes of the Horn, are selected by the Pattern and reside within the World of Dreams. When the Horn is sounded, they are called forth to fight alongside the one who blew the Horn.

The Heroes, such as Artur Hawkwing, Amaresu, and possibly Birgitte Silverbow, are not ordinary soldiers but eminent individuals from history who possess their own volition and will only fight for a just cause. It is essential for them to make a comeback in the series' conclusion.

After an entire season, The Wheel Of Time eventually introduced the long-awaited Heroes of the Horn, a group that has been teased since the finale of season 1. Despite their appearance in just one episode, the Heroes of the Horn played a central role in the storyline of season 2. They are the reason why the Horn of Valere holds such significance to many people in the world of The Wheel of Time.

The Horn of Valere holds great significance in the Dragon Reborn saga. However, its true power remained concealed for most of season 2 due to Padan Fain's possession of it. Just as in The Great Hunt, the second book of the Wheel of Time series, the true potential of the Horn of Valere was only revealed in the final episode. In the season 2 finale of The Wheel of Time, Mat, under the threat of the approaching Seanchan, sounded the Horn, thereby awakening a group of mysterious soldiers, including Uno, who had previously perished. These characters, crucial in turning the tide in Falme, have become deeply rooted in the lore of the Wheel of Time.

Where The Heroes of The Horn Come From In The Wheel Of Time

The Mythical Menace: Unveiling the Enigma of Wheel of Time's Ghost Army

In the Wheel of Time season 1 finale, Lord Yakota explained that the Horn would summon the greatest heroes of the Pattern. These heroes are commonly referred to as the Heroes of the Horn. Throughout the ages, numerous warriors have earned fame through their remarkable deeds. For reasons that have remained unclear, the souls of many of these individuals have become bound to the Horn of Valere. Notably, even in the present era, individuals have the opportunity to become Heroes, as exemplified by Uno's unexpected appearance. Evidently, Uno demonstrated his exceptional bravery and has been chosen by the Pattern to be a Hero.

The books provide further insight into the fate of the Heroes when they become Heroes and the realm they exist in between death and being summoned by the Horn. These Heroes reside in Tel'aran'rhiod, also known as the World of Dreams, as introduced in season 2 of The Wheel of Time. When the Horn is sounded, their spirits are drawn out of Tel’aran’rhiod and given physical form in the real world. If a Hero is reincarnated or spun back into the Wheel, they will depart from Tel'aran'rhiod and begin a new life, making them unavailable to be called by the Horn.

When the Heroes are summoned, their duty is to fight for the individual who blows the Horn, referred to as the "Hornsounder." They will only respond to this specific call and will not answer any other summons until the Hornsounder dies, thereby ending their role. In the show, High Lord Turak claims that with the Horn, the Seanchan could conquer the world, as he believes he could be the Hornsounder. However, this viewpoint contradicts the books. In A Memory of Light, it is revealed that the Heroes possess their own free will and will only fight for a just cause. This means that even if the villains were to sound the Horn, the Heroes would not consider aiding them.

Major Members Of The Heroes Of The Horn

The Mythical Menace: Unveiling the Enigma of Wheel of Time's Ghost Army

The Wheel of Time's character Uno was the only one summoned by the Horn of Valere from the show's canon. However, it is important to recognize that the Heroes of the Horn are not just anonymous soldiers from the past. Many of them are well-known historical figures whose names are often mentioned in the books and the show. Artur Hawkwing, portrayed by Adrian Bouchet, is the bearded man who spoke to Mat and is believed to be inspired by King Arthur. In the books, Artur Hawkwing is a highly esteemed hero and the leader of the group. He had a personal connection with Lews Therin Telamon, also known as the Dragon.

The woman in red, played by Helene Tran, is Amaresu, a Hero renowned for her mastery of the Sword of the Sun. During the major battle, Amaresu demonstrated her skill with the sword by fighting against the Seanchan. While the names of the other characters were not confirmed in the credits, there is one character, a blonde female archer, who closely resembles the book's description of Birgitte Silverbow. Birgitte Silverbow, idolized by women long after her death, is a revered hero. It is uncertain if the other characters present were live-action interpretations of Gaidal Cain, Jain Farstrider, Shivan the Hunter, and Rogosh Eagle Eye, all of whom were Heroes of the Horn in the books.

The Heroes Of The Horn Should Return For The Wheel Of Time's Ending

The Mythical Menace: Unveiling the Enigma of Wheel of Time's Ghost Army

The Heroes of the Wheel of Time series should not make their final appearance in the season 2 finale. However, it is expected that it will take several years before they are seen again. The show has already mentioned that the Horn needs to be blown at the Last Battle, which is the war fought between the Light and the Shadow towards the end of the Dragon Reborn's story. Keeping this in mind, the Horn of Valere should be reintroduced in one of the last episodes. Unless there are any changes, Artur Hawkwing and his companions should return for the conclusion of The Wheel of Time, where they will join the fight against the Dark One's forces.

1 Hero Of The Horn Is A Major Wheel Of Time Character

The Mythical Menace: Unveiling the Enigma of Wheel of Time's Ghost Army

While the Heroes of the Horn are not expected to make a group appearance until the Last Battle, there is one Hero, Birgitte Silverbow, who has the potential to emerge as a prominent individual character. In The Shadow Rising, which is the source material for Season 3 of The Wheel of Time, Birgitte becomes intertwined with the lives of the main characters. Within Tel’aran’rhiod, the main characters cross paths with Birgitte, who is later rescued from Tel’aran’rhiod by Moghedien. This event leads Birgitte to actively participate in the main storyline as a supportive figure for Egwene, Nynaeve, and Elayne.

Birgitte's significance to The Wheel of Time's narrative surpasses that of the other Heroes, as she remained influential throughout various adventures, unlike them who were only relevant when the Horn was involved. In relation to the TV show, there is a strong likelihood that a similar occurrence will take place, particularly considering that the prerequisites for her introduction - Moghedien and Tel'aran'rhiod - are already established in The Wheel of Time season 3.