The Mysteries Unveiled: The Lost Fate of Hearteater in Game of Thrones

The Mysteries Unveiled: The Lost Fate of Hearteater in Game of Thrones

Unveiling the treacherous Hearteater, Joffrey prepares for battle in Game of Thrones, but what fate awaits this deadly weapon? Delve into the intriguing story of Joffrey's Valyrian steel sword and its mysterious journey


Joffrey Baratheon was an undeserving and incompetent king who only held the Iron Throne because of his mother's scheming.

Despite his self-proclaimed expertise in warfare, Joffrey heavily leaned on the guidance of his own family members in order to uphold his reign.

Joffrey's sword, named Hearteater, served as a tangible representation of his conceit and his incapacity to effectively safeguard both himself and his realm.

Joffrey Baratheon, the king who succeeded King Robert I, was widely regarded as an incapable ruler. He met his demise at his own wedding, allowing his younger brother, Tommen, to take the throne. Joffrey, known for his cruel and ignorant ways, was never fit to rule and only obtained the position due to his mother's involvement in King Robert I's assassination. His opponents argued that Joffrey had no rightful claim to the throne since it was believed that he was not King Robert's trueborn child. However, Queen Regent Cersei Lannister skillfully silenced any opposition and ensured that power remained within House Lannister. While Joffrey boasted about his knowledge in warfare and politics, his grandfather, mother, and uncle Tyrion played significant roles in his reign. In reality, Joffrey lacked strength and skill, struggling to even wield a Valyrian steel sword. He also had a penchant for giving flamboyant names to his weapons, like Hearteater, a sword he carried into the Battle of the Blackwater.

Joffrey Is Ready For Battle

The Mysteries Unveiled: The Lost Fate of Hearteater in Game of Thrones

In season 2 of Game of Thrones, the Lannisters, led by Lord Tywin of Casterly Rock, find themselves engaged in battles on multiple fronts. The Baratheon brothers, Stannis and Renly, have launched their own wars against the Lannisters, while the North rebels after the execution of Ned Stark by Joffrey in King's Landing. Faced with the imminent threat posed by Stannis, Tywin sends his youngest son, Tyrion, to serve as Hand of the King. King's Landing, the capital city, is vulnerable due to the absence of its main defense forces, who are occupied with the fighting in the Riverlands. Meanwhile, Joffrey spends his time trivially enhancing the throne room and acquiring unnecessary swords. As days go by, Tyrion becomes aware of the impending danger presented by Stannis and realizes that Joffrey's actions are nothing more than cruelty towards defenseless women. Episode 6 of season 2, "The Old Gods and the New," shows how the boy king fails to protect himself during an attack by an enraged mob. While Cersei claims that her son is overseeing the preparations for the siege, Tyrion takes charge of planning the defense of King's Landing. He enlists Wisdom Hallyne to create Wildfire, a powerful substance to be used against Stannis' fleet and army by launching it from the city walls.

Joffrey Unveils Hearteater

The Mysteries Unveiled: The Lost Fate of Hearteater in Game of Thrones

Shortly before the battle, Cersei informs Tyrion that Joffrey won't be sent to the battlefield as he's only a boy:

And now you want to send my eldest son to the battlefield to die.

Joffrey desires to be at the forefront, donning the most exquisite armor, while his loyal Kingsguard ensures his safety. His role as king is to boost the spirits of his soldiers. In the ninth episode of Game of Thrones season 2, titled "Blackwater," just moments before the imminent battle, Joffrey presents his newly acquired weapon - Hearteater, to Sansa of House Stark, whom he has pledged to marry:

Witness your king embarking on the battlefield. Bid him farewell with a kiss. This is my latest blade, Hearteater, as I have christened it. Bestow a kiss upon it.

Joffrey unveils his newly crafted steel sword, proudly naming it Hearteater. He commands Sansa to kiss the sword upon his victorious return, savoring the taste of Uncle Stannis' blood. Sansa playfully taunts Joffrey, questioning where he intends to brandish Hearteater in battle, fully aware of his inability to wield the sword, let alone protect the city. Joffrey dismissively retorts, "A king does not engage in battle strategy with foolish girls like you."

At the commencement of the battle, Joffrey not only observes Tyrion's cunning utilization of Wildfire, but also becomes alarmed upon witnessing the approach of Stannis' troops towards the shore. As the clash progresses and the Baratheon forces appear poised to breach the city walls, Joffrey heeds Cersei's command to seek refuge within the Red Keep. Complying with her orders, he delegates the responsibility of representing him on the battlefield to Ser Boros and Ser Mandon, whilst making his departure.

Joffrey Receives A Valyrian Steel Sword As A Wedding Present

The Mysteries Unveiled: The Lost Fate of Hearteater in Game of Thrones

After safeguarding Hearteater from the Battle of the Blackwater until his wedding, Joffrey is presented with a newly recrafted Valyrian steel sword during the celebratory breakfast in Game of Thrones season 4, episode 2 "The Lion and the Rose." His grandfather, Tywin, bestows this gift upon him. Seeking suggestions for its name, Joffrey contemplates "Stormbringer" and "Wolfsbane" offered by the attendees, but ultimately settles on the name Widow's Wail.

I really like Widow's Wail. Hah...

"When I wield it, it'll feel just like reliving the moment I severed Ned Stark's head," Joffrey remarks, sliding his new sword into its scabbard. He exchanges Hearteater for Widow's Wail until his final breath in Game of Thrones. The whereabouts of Joffrey's Hearteater are unknown and its destiny remains a mystery.