The Most Shocking and Mind-Blowing Fatalities in Mortal Kombat History

Experience the bizarre and unforgettable finishing moves in Mortal Kombat history From flaming farts to self-electrocution, brace yourself for the strangest fatalities that have left fans in awe Get ready for a reboot you won't want to miss!
With the release of Mortal Kombat 1 just a few months away, excitement for the beloved fighting game franchise is at an all-time high. NetherRealm Studios is determined to redefine the gameplay and revitalize the story by introducing the Kameo system and launching it into a whole new timeline. Despite these changes, Mortal Kombat 1 still incorporates the classic Fatalities that fans have come to know and love. Fatalities are a core element of Mortal Kombat's identity and have been showcased in countless variations across the eleven mainline entries. Along the way, some Fatalities have proven to be exceptionally peculiar compared to others.
While Fatalities may be the most recognizable aspect of Mortal Kombat and contribute greatly to its immense popularity, they don't always live up to their reputation for brutality. Since they have no impact on gameplay and merely serve as visually stunning cinematic displays, Fatalities can sometimes become outrageously eccentric. In addition to the well-known Babalities and Animalities that were clearly designed as humorous additions, there have been several Mortal Kombat Fatalities that deserve recognition for reasons beyond their violent nature.
Bo' Rai Cho - Flaming Fart (Mortal Kombat: Deception)
One of the series’ most controversial characters, Bo’ Rai Cho, has been a source of debate ever since his playable introduction in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance. As the goofy drunken master of protagonist Liu Kang, Bo’ Rai Cho has become known for his unique and crude fighting style. In a shocking display of grotesque humor, Bo’ Rai Cho infamously incinerates his opponents by setting fire to his incredibly powerful flatulence. While undeniably repulsive, this is just one example of the outrageous and crude tactics that the old master employs, including the use of vomiting as a combat strategy.
Erron Black - Sand Storm (Mortal Kombat X)
Erron Black, with his unique take on the cool cowboy archetype, can sometimes venture into the realm of ridiculous. This particular Fatality involves him detonating a sand grenade within his opponent's chest, resulting in a substantial mound of sand enveloping their lower body. To make matters more bewildering, an endless stream of sand continuously pours out from the seemingly small grenade. While the notion of burying an adversary is not entirely outlandish, the overwhelming amount of sand expelled from such a tiny explosive leaves players more perplexed than impressed.
Ermac - Pest Control (Mortal Kombat 9)
Havik - Human Pencil Sharpener (Mortal Kombat: Deception)
Ermac, a beloved character among Mortal Kombat fans, possesses the mysterious ability to manipulate objects using telekinesis. In a display of this power, Ermac can unexpectedly reduce his opponent to the size of an insect and ruthlessly crush them beneath his imposing ninja mummy boot. Although one may question the plausibility of such a size-altering ability, it adds an element of absurdity similar to Jax's iconic and nonsensical Fatalities. Nevertheless, witnessing the typically emotionless Ermac execute this move with a touch of humor is truly remarkable.Moves like the Fatality where Havik consumes the arms of his opponent and then regurgitates them have certainly contributed to the mixed reputation of the characters from Mortal Kombat's 3D-era. This particular Fatality, which causes the enemy to lose balance after being disarmed, appears rather awkward for the intimidating Havik. While it might be seen as a proud gesture in Chaosrealm to spew out the remains of defeated foes, it does make the cleric one of the most peculiar fighters in the series.
Shang Tsung - Bang Bang! (Mortal Kombat 9)
In this peculiar Fatality, Shang Tsung takes on the persona of a murderous clown, reminiscent of the Joker. The combination of this transformation and its brutal nature appears to mock the T-rating of the previous game, Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe. With a cunning deception, Shang Tsung lures his opponent into a false sense of security before unleashing the game's signature violence by blowing their head off. This could possibly be interpreted as a commentary on the artistic liberty granted in Mortal Kombat 9. Looking back, it could also be seen as a foreshadowing of the upcoming release of the Joker as a downloadable content character for Mortal Kombat 11.
Raiden - Self-Electrocution (Mortal Kombat: Deception)
Moments like this Fatality illustrate why Fire God Liu Kang is seen as the heir to Raiden's legacy. While Dark Raiden exuded an intimidating and brooding presence in the era of Deception, this particular Fatality takes it to another level. With an excessive release of electricity, Raiden annihilates both himself and his adversary. Normally known for his seriousness and pivotal role in the Mortal Kombat universe, this reckless display in his darkest form might be interpreted as straying into cheesy territory.
Kung Lao - Friendly Rabbit (Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks)
Smoke - Armageddon (Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3)
Not widely remembered among fans of the series, Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks features a beat 'em up experience. However, one particular Fatality stands out as exceptionally unpredictable. Utilizing his iconic hat, Kung Lao astounds his opponent by conjuring a rabbit out of thin air. With this furry creature, he proceeds to bludgeon his adversary mercilessly, ultimately delivering a bone-crushing blow that leaves them in two distinct halves. This bewildering Fatality has left fans speculating about the existence of a perpetual rabbit companion residing within Kung Lao's hat.
The redemption of Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 was truly impressive, however, this particular Fatality took things to an extreme level. Smoke unleashes a barrage of bombs onto the ground, resulting in an unexpected outcome - the complete annihilation of the entire planet. This extravagant display of destruction perfectly captures the flashy essence of the new characters introduced in Mortal Kombat: Armageddon.
Quan Chi - Neck Stretch (Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance)
In the dark and gritty game, Quan Chi, a powerful sorcerer and member of the Deadly Alliance, showcases his domination of the Netherrealm with his ultimate finishing attack. Despite his magical abilities and necromancy, players were surprised when Quan Chi opted to perch on his opponent's shoulders and elongate their neck like a giraffe. While Mortal Kombat always has some unusual Fatalities, none are quite as peculiar as Quan Chi's Neck Stretch in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance.
Launching on September 19, 2023, for PC, PS5, Switch, and Xbox Series X/S, Mortal Kombat 1 eagerly awaits its release.