The Missed Opportunities of DCEU's 2023 Releases

The Missed Opportunities of DCEU's 2023 Releases

Exploring the disappointing truths of the DCEU's final year and the frustrating missed opportunities that came to light.

The DCEU's Final Year: A Reflection

The DCEU has always had strong ups and downs, and rewatching the brand's 2023 releases brings to light a few frustrating missed opportunities. With the DCEU officially coming to a close with the release of Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom, looking back at the shared universe's final year makes clear some disappointing truths. It was no surprise when DC announced plans to create an interconnected movie universe, following in the footsteps of Marvel before it. However, the following years were full of ups and downs, driven by behind-the-scenes changes in direction that resulted in an inconsistent vision and lack of overarching direction.

Jaime Reyes flying with his hands out in Blue Beetle

Jaime Reyes flying with his hands out in Blue Beetle

These problems came to a head with the DCEU's 2023 movies. It certainly wasn't all bad - in fact, there are plenty of moments in the DCEU's final year that stand among the franchise's best. However, those moments are tucked away between missed opportunities and confusing creative decisions, resulting in an uneven streak of releases made more disappointing with the knowledge that none of their narrative set-ups will be followed up on after the DC Universe reboots in 2025.

Blue Beetle: A Hidden Gem

Blue Beetle was put in a tough place to find success, released after The Flash's historic box office bomb and on the precipice of the DC Universe reboot. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Blue Beetle failed to perform, but it becomes clear on a rewatch that the movie's poor financial earnings are largely undeserved. Blue Beetle is one of the better films in the DCEU, delivering a simple story elevated by a great cast and well-done special effects. Fortunately, James Gunn has confirmed that Xolo Maridueña will return as the character in the new DCU.

Xolo Maridueña's Blue Beetle with a sword in Blue Beetle

Xolo Maridueña's Blue Beetle with a sword in Blue Beetle

Released after The Flash's historic box office bomb and on the precipice of the DC Universe reboot and featuring a character with little brand-name recognition, Blue Beetle was put in a tough place to find success. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Blue Beetle failed to perform, but it becomes clear on a rewatch that the movie's poor financial earnings are largely undeserved. Blue Beetle is one of the better films in the DCEU, delivering a simple story elevated by a great cast and well-done special effects. Fortunately, James Gunn has confirmed that Xolo Maridueña will return as the character in the new DCU.

A profile shot of Blue Beetle looking down at Earth from space.

A profile shot of Blue Beetle looking down at Earth from space.

The Flash's Disappointing CGI

The Flash's CGI was the subject of severe criticism on release, and it only looks worse on repeat viewings. There's no doubt that some scenes, like the majority of the final fight vs Zod's forces, look good, but sequences like the Chronobowl visions and hospital rescue are oddly underbaked. Confusingly, The Flash director Andy Muschietti has gone on record saying the visuals were an intentional creative choice. Whether the movie looks like it does on purpose or not, there's no denying that an A-list superhero like The Flash deserved better visuals for his first solo movie outing.

Ezra Miller's Flash looking shocked and standing in a damaged road in The Flash

Ezra Miller's Flash looking shocked and standing in a damaged road in The Flash