The Marvels Team Teases X-Men Easter Eggs in the Upcoming MCU Film: Brace Yourself for an Exciting Ride!

The Marvels Team Teases X-Men Easter Eggs in the Upcoming MCU Film: Brace Yourself for an Exciting Ride!

Marvel's upcoming movie, 'The Marvels,' sparks excitement as hints suggest a potential setup for the beloved X-Men franchise in the MCU Get ready for an X-Men reboot that promises an extraordinary adventure!

Article Overview

The creative team for The Marvels hints at the possibility of the X-Men being involved in the movie, but does not provide any concrete details or confirmations.

Fans are eagerly anticipating the inclusion of the X-Men in the MCU and how they will be seamlessly integrated into the larger universe. The idea of the X-Men making an appearance in The Marvels is not only thrilling, but also holds great potential to introduce them to the MCU and pave the way for future projects.

The Marvels creative team was questioned about the possibility of X-Men references in the upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universe film. With 2023 nearing its end, Marvel Studios has one final Phase 5 movie, The Marvels, set to hit theaters this week, marking the return of Brie Larson's Carol Danvers to the MCU. However, this Captain Marvel sequel will also feature a team-up with Kamala Khan/Ms. Marvel and Monica Rambeau/Photon joining forces with Carol.

During an interview on our website, The Marvels director Nia DaCosta, executive producer Mary Livanos, and composer Laura Karpman discussed the highly anticipated MCU venture. One prevailing theory suggests that the X-Men have a connection to The Marvels. Our website's Joe Deckelmeier noticed that the production notes made mention of music from X-Men 2 and X-Men: Days of Future Past. When asked whether this was a musical cue for Kamala Khan or if it hinted at something related to the X-Men in The Marvels, the trio responded as follows:

Nia DaCosta: It seems like Laura might have been inspired by the show's riff. Personally, I have a deep love for X-Men and believe it to be one of the greatest superhero movies ever made. It holds a special place in my heart. However, I must admit that I didn't intentionally reference the music in my work. But perhaps Laura found inspiration in that aspect.

Mary Livanos: The concept of anything related to X is incredibly thrilling, and I can't say much more than that.

Laura Karpman: I think I'm going to let everybody go and enjoy the film and see what they see as far that goes. You'll have some fun with that.

Why It Makes Sense For The Marvels To Potentially Set Up The X-Men

The Marvels Team Teases X-Men Easter Eggs in the Upcoming MCU Film: Brace Yourself for an Exciting Ride!

In the season finale of Ms. Marvel, it was revealed that this iteration of Kamala is not an Inhuman, but in fact a mutant, which is now the current status quo even in the comics. Being one of the first notable mutants in the MCU, it raises the question of how The Marvels will explore this, especially since Ms. Marvel season 2 has not yet been approved. However, a clever approach for the MCU could involve the inclusion of the X-Men in The Marvels, potentially offering support to Kamala.

It would be logical for The Marvels to incorporate some of the popular X-Men characters to assist and set up their own film reboot. Despite the early stage of the X-Men movie, it is not surprising if Marvel Studios is already hinting at the upcoming reboot in other projects within the MCU. The extent to which the X-Men will be involved in The Marvels remains to be seen, as the focus of the story is on Carol, Kamala, and Monica. The theme of the X-Men: The Animated Series has been featured in the MCU through Ms. Marvel and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.

Undoubtedly, the world eagerly anticipates the introduction of the X-Men into the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), particularly considering how the recent 20th Century Fox movies severely weakened the franchise. Whether it be in upcoming Phase 5 or 6 projects, such as The Marvels, it is evident that the mutants will play a significant role in the future of the MCU. Hopefully, it won't be much longer until the MCU provides more hints about their plans for the X-Men. Tonight, moviegoers will have the opportunity to watch The Marvels, featuring Brie Larson, Teyonah Parris, and Iman Vellani, in theaters.

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z netizen, I am incredibly excited about the possibility of the X-Men being introduced into the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) through the upcoming film, "The Marvels." The X-Men have been a beloved part of the Marvel comic book universe for decades, and their inclusion in the MCU would be a major event for fans.

I believe that the X-Men could be a great addition to the MCU, and I am eager to see how they would interact with the existing characters. The X-Men have a rich history and mythology, and I think that Marvel Studios could do a lot of great things with them. I am also curious to see how the X-Men would be integrated into the MCU's overall storyline. The X-Men have often been portrayed as outsiders and loners, and it would be interesting to see how they would fit into the more interconnected world of the MCU.

Overall, I am very excited about the possibility of the X-Men being introduced into the MCU. I think that they could be a great addition to the franchise, and I am eager to see what Marvel Studios does with them.