The Magic Unveiled: Hogwarts Legacy Promises an Enchanting Journey, but What's the Missing Spell?

Hogwarts Legacy's sequel can enhance immersion and capture nostalgia by adding a captivating train journey to Hogwarts, a classic and integral part of the magical experience
Harry Potter fans may not have received all the desired features in Hogwarts Legacy, but as the first installment of a potentially successful franchise, it showcases impressive ambition. While there are a few nostalgic elements from the Harry Potter universe that fans would have liked to see in Avalanche's action-RPG, particularly in relation to a late-1800s interpretation of student life, Diagon Alley stands out as a significant absence. Players would certainly enjoy the fully explorable marketplace, where they could spend their Knuts, Sickles, and Galleons.
However, apart from Diagon Alley, there is another crucial aspect missing from Hogwarts Legacy - the Hogwarts Express. Although the game already provides a warm introduction to the castle and its surroundings, the experience of boarding and riding the train to Hogwarts would contribute greatly to world-building and nostalgia in a potential sequel. Imagine the ability for players to freely move from one train car to another, interacting with classmates, professors, and potential companions.
A Train to Hogwarts Sequence Would Be Great for World-Building
The Hogwarts Express ride could serve as an exciting opening sequence in a potential Hogwarts Legacy sequel. Players would have the chance to observe the scenery, interact with fellow students, and even buy sweets from a trolley. If the player character, along with other students, had not yet been sorted into houses, this would provide a unique opportunity to form friendships without preconceived notions or biases based on house affiliations. However, implementing such a scenario would require either having the players assume the roles of first-year students or establishing a plausible reason for a group of older students on the train who have not been sorted yet. While Hogwarts Legacy successfully justified the special status of its protagonist, justifying the same for an entire train of students might pose a greater challenge.
It would be amazing if players had the opportunity to freely explore the train and interact with students who eagerly await their arrival at the castle. This way, players could forge connections with potential companions and other characters before they are sorted into a house or experience life in the dormitories at Hogwarts.
Additionally, a trolley filled with various delectable treats that players could purchase would evoke a sense of nostalgia. Players starting off with some money could select a few items from the trolley. It would be intriguing if the sweets trolley on the Hogwarts Express also functioned like Elden Ring's Keepsakes, allowing players to choose one item to begin their journey with. Alternatively, another student could offer to lend them the money, making the treat free.
Introducing Dementors onto the train may be a bit too obvious, but it could be interesting to witness an attack on the train as a way to provide players with a fast combat tutorial, creating an exhilarating and visually stunning experience. The Hogwarts Express makes an appearance in Hogwarts Legacy as a backdrop, but using it for the opening sequence could offer numerous unforgettable moments for a potential sequel and aid in building character relationships before players reach Hogwarts.
Hogwarts Legacy is currently accessible on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S, while the Switch version will be released on November 14.