The Legendary Sword of the Morning, Arthur Dayne: Unveiling the Secrets

The Legendary Sword of the Morning, Arthur Dayne: Unveiling the Secrets

Unveiling the legend of Ser Arthur Dayne, the enigmatic Sword of the Morning in Game of Thrones Discover the captivating lore and his intriguing role in the epic series A concise and enticing description in under 350 characters


House Dayne of Starfall is a noble House sworn to protect House Nymeros Martell.

House Dayne owns an exceptional greatsword called Dawn, exclusively bestowed upon a knight deemed deserving of its mastery.

Ser Arthur Dayne, a distinguished Kingsguard member, fell in combat while safeguarding Lyanna Stark.

House Dayne, one of the Noble Houses of the Seven Kingdoms, is sworn to protect House Nymeros Martell of Sunspear. Their ancestral castle, Starfall, is located in the western Red Mountains. Situated on the river Torrentine, Starfall shares this location with the castles of Blackmont and High Hermitage. According to Game of Thrones lore, House Dayne was once the ruling dynasty of Torrentine since the days of the First Men, but they were eventually subdued during Nymeria's War.

The last ruler of Torrentine was King Vorian Dayne, who was defeated in battle. Following their defeat, the Daynes became loyal vassals to House Nymeros Martell. Known for their power, the Daynes possess a renowned greatsword called Dawn. Unlike Tarly's Heartsbane or Mormont's Longclaw, Dawn is not passed down to an heir but rather bestowed upon a knight worthy of wielding it.

The Sword Of The Morning

The Legendary Sword of the Morning, Arthur Dayne: Unveiling the Secrets

The Great and Noble Houses in Game of Thrones each have their own distinct customs, traditions, and practices. Unlike other houses, House Dayne of Starfall does not pass down their ancestral greatsword, Dawn, to heirs. Instead, it is only passed on to a knight within the house who is deemed capable of deserving it. This knight holds the title of Sword of the Morning. Notable examples include Ser Davos Dayne, Ser Ulrick Dayne, and most famously, Ser Arthur Dayne, who fought against Ned Stark and his men in Game of Thrones.

The history of the Seven Kingdoms recognizes the Swords of the Morning, and if the Daynes cannot find a knight worthy of wielding Dawn, the title remains dormant. While other swords, such as Ice, Longclaw, Dark Sister, and Blackfyre, are crafted from Valyrian steel, there is a fascinating legend surrounding the creation of Dawn. According to lore, the founder of House Dayne traced a falling star to the mouth of the river Torrentine, where he discovered a mystical stone. The castle of Starfall was constructed on this island, and Dawn was forged from the metal of this fallen star. Described as having a pale appearance, the last known knight to wield Dawn in Game of Thrones was Ser Arthur Dayne, a companion of Rhaegar.

Ser Arthur Dayne Lore

The Legendary Sword of the Morning, Arthur Dayne: Unveiling the Secrets

Ser Arthur Dayne, known as the Sword of the Morning, was a revered member of the Kingsguard, sworn to protect the Mad King Aerys II Targaryen. In Game of Thrones, his name is briefly mentioned in season 4, episode 1 "Two Swords" in the Book of Brothers, which chronicles the achievements of knights who served in the Kingsguard. According to his entry, Ser Arthur Dayne was the second son of Lord Beric Dayne and was renowned for wielding the mighty sword, Dawn. Joffrey recounts Ser Arthur's impressive feats, including leading the attack on the Kingswood Brotherhood, a notorious outlaw organization, and defeating the infamous Smiling Knight in a one-on-one duel.

In response to the Brotherhood's assaults on the nobility, the Mad King sent a detachment of soldiers and esteemed members of the Kingsguard to put an end to their crimes. The Kingswood, a vast forest situated across the Blackwater Rush from the capital, served as the stronghold for the Kingswood Brotherhood. Ser Arthur Dayne cleverly gained the trust of the common people residing in the Kingswood and utilized this alliance to conquer the group of ruthless cutthroats, outlaws, and bandits.

Ser Arthur Dayne In Game Of Thrones

The Legendary Sword of the Morning, Arthur Dayne: Unveiling the Secrets

In Game of Thrones season 6, episode 3 "Oathbreaker," Ser Arthur Dayne, also known as the Sword of the Morning, was spotted alongside Ser Oswell Whent as Bran and the Three-Eyed Raven journeyed into the past. They were guarding the Tower of Joy on behalf of Aerys II Targaryen. As Ned Stark and his small group, including Howland Reed (father of Meera and Jojen Reed), approach the tower, Bran takes notice of Ser Arthur Dayne and tells the Three-Eyed Raven:

"Father claimed he [Dayne] was the most skilled swordsman he had ever witnessed."

The battle occurred following the death of Aerys' successor, Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, at the hands of Robert Baratheon on the Trident. As Lyanna suffered in childbirth, Ser Arthur Dayne and Ser Oswell Whent stood guard over the Tower. The two parties confronted each other, and Ned informed the duo that he had been searching for them at the Trident. Dayne refused to reveal any information about Lyanna Stark, but he did wish Ned Stark luck in the upcoming wars.

Bran observed that Ser Arthur Dayne was much more skilled with a sword than his father and was shocked to see that Ned did not defeat him. Ned was disarmed, but Howland Reed, who was injured on the ground nearby, rose up and stabbed Dayne in the throat with a dagger. Ned then picked up Dayne's prized sword, Dawn, and dealt the final blow.

In "Oathbreaker," an episode of Game of Thrones, it is uncovered that the tale Bran had heard countless times about Ned Stark defeating the esteemed Sword of the Morning was untrue. In reality, only Ned and Howland survived the confrontation, while the honorable knight, Ser Arthur Dayne, met his demise defending Lyanna Stark, wife of Prince Rhaegar and a native of Winterfell. Following Robert's ascension to the throne, Ned Stark dutifully returned the ancient Dayne sword, Dawn, to its rightful place in Starfall.