The Key to Unlocking Marketing Success: A Universal Framework for Maximum Effectiveness

The Key to Unlocking Marketing Success: A Universal Framework for Maximum Effectiveness

Marketing Week columnist Mark Ritson, former Eve Sleep CEO Cheryl Calverley, LinkedIn B2B Institute’s Peter Weinberg, Jon Lombardo, and Digitas’s chief strategy officer Matt Holt discuss the need for a 'universal' framework for marketing effectiveness in an engaging and insightful debate

It’s all well and good as a marketer being told you need to sort out your approach to effectiveness. But how do you do it?

During the Currency of Effectiveness series, sponsored by Digitas and hosted by Our Website’s Festival of Marketing, a gathering of marketing leaders took place to explore the fundamental principles of marketing effectiveness. The session featured esteemed individuals such as Our Website columnist Mark Ritson, former Eve Sleep CEO Cheryl Calverley, Peter Weinberg and Jon Lombardo from LinkedIn B2B Institute, and Matt Holt, chief strategy officer at Digitas.

Ritson contended that effective CMOs create their own marketing approach. "They recognize that perfection is unattainable, but they have developed their own understanding of what constitutes marketing effectiveness," he stated.

On the contrary, Calverley held a different perspective. "I believe not every effective marketer develops their own effectiveness. I think every effective marketer tailors their understanding of effectiveness to suit their business and industry, and that understanding evolves as they switch categories."

Some marketers have become arrogant, forgetting that marketing should serve the purpose of a business.

In another part of the session, Weinberg proposed the idea of having a set of universal principles for marketers to enhance marketing effectiveness. He expressed concern about the prevalence of the "it depends" mentality in marketing, where there is no clear right or wrong approach. This has allowed anyone with a microphone to share their opinions on the best way to do marketing, and he questioned the usefulness of this.

Watch the video above for the full discussion.

The Currency of Effectiveness is brought to you in partnership with System 1, Ebiquity, Salesforce, Digitas, Ozone, Little Dot Studios.