The Jaw-Dropping Sensation: Stream A24's Terrifying Blockbuster 'Talk To Me' From the Comfort of Home!

The Jaw-Dropping Sensation: Stream A24's Terrifying Blockbuster 'Talk To Me' From the Comfort of Home!

Experience the chilling sensation of Talk to Me, A24's sensational horror film, now conveniently available on VOD Discover the secrets behind its massive success and brace yourself for an unforgettable journey into the unknown


Talk to Me, A24's horror movie, was a huge hit and grossed over $67 million at the worldwide box office, making it one of the most profitable indie films of the year.

The Philippou brothers' shift from their beloved comedy YouTube channel to the film industry played a significant role in the triumph of Talk to Me, receiving immense acclaim at numerous film festivals. A24's well-executed marketing strategy and enthusiastic reviews further contributed to Talk to Me's blockbuster status, surpassing Hereditary to become A24's top-grossing horror film.

A24's horror film, Talk to Me, can now be streamed through video on demand. The movie, which marked the directorial debut of brothers Danny and Michael Philippou, received widespread acclaim from critics and audiences alike during its theatrical run. Despite its modest $4.5 million budget, the film managed to earn an impressive $67 million at the global box office, establishing it as one of the most financially successful independent films of the year.

Following its theatrical triumph, A24 has decided to make Talk to Me accessible through VOD. Additionally, the studio has announced that the film will be released on Blu-ray on October 3, along with a 4K Ultra HD version that will include a range of special features.

Talk to Me's Massive Success Explained

The Jaw-Dropping Sensation: Stream A24's Terrifying Blockbuster 'Talk To Me' From the Comfort of Home!

The Philippou brothers, who gained fame through their comedic YouTube channel RackaRacka, made their horror debut with the film Talk to Me. Known for their dynamic and absurd videos like Harry Potter vs. Star Wars and Marvel vs. DC (Avengers Battle), they effortlessly transitioned from YouTube to the film industry. The film received overwhelming praise at various festivals, including the Sundance International Film Festival and the Fantasia International Film Festival.

Following its successful run at Sundance, A24 acquired the distribution rights for Talk to Me in the United States. With an effective marketing campaign and positive reviews, the film was destined for success at the box office. As expected, it outperformed A24's previous highest-grossing horror movie, Hereditary, in September. This success mirrored a larger trend in the industry, where original horror films thrived at the box office both domestically and internationally after theaters reopened.

Due to its remarkable success, A24 has already approved a sequel for the movie, although specific details are being kept confidential. Additionally, the Philippou brothers have confirmed the completion of filming a prequel to Talk to Me, which delves into the origins of the film's opening scene. For those who haven't watched Talk to Me or wish to rewatch it, the movie is now available to view on VOD.