The Hidden Successor: How Rachel Outshines Even Mike as Harvey's True Heir in Suits

The Hidden Successor: How Rachel Outshines Even Mike as Harvey's True Heir in Suits

Discover the unexpected successor to Harvey in the hit TV show Suits Unveiling Rachel's rise to power - a compelling analysis of why she embodied Harvey's spirit more than Mike


Harvey Specter's true successor in Suits is Rachel Zane, not Mike Ross, as she proved herself to be the next Harvey in the firm.

Rachel, having been deceived by Louis Litt, decided to take matters into her own hands and persuaded Jessica to fund her law school by cleverly identifying a loophole.

Rachel possesses qualities similar to Harvey, including confidence, the skill to conceal vulnerabilities, and a willingness to be ruthless when necessary. These qualities make her resemble Harvey more than her husband, Mike.

Suits showcased that Rachel Zane, Harvey Specter's eventual wife, is the true successor to Harvey, not Mike Ross. Although the show technically had an ensemble cast, Harvey and Mike were the unofficial leads as the series began with their meeting. Harvey saw a reflection of himself in Mike, leading him to take a huge risk by hiring an associate without a law degree. While Mike had an extraordinary memory, if they didn't immediately click, Harvey wouldn't have risked his entire career for his mentee at Pearson, Hardman.

Apart from the illegal aspect, Harvey's gamble paid off, as Mike became a major asset in the company. After a brief transition period, Mike quickly mastered the skills of a skilled corporate lawyer. Together, Mike and Harvey were an unstoppable duo. They won numerous cases and helped the company survive through its toughest crises. Eventually, Jessica Pearson, played by Gina Torres, gave in to their scheme and allowed them to continue working together. Despite their successful partnership, the true successor to Harvey is Rachel, as Suits demonstrated.

Rachel Proved That She Was The Firm's Next Harvey In Suits

The Hidden Successor: How Rachel Outshines Even Mike as Harvey's True Heir in Suits

Rachel found herself in a difficult situation when Louis Litt failed to uphold their verbal agreement for the firm to cover her law school expenses. Determined to resolve the issue, Rachel took matters into her own hands. However, her proposal was promptly dismissed by Jessica, without the support of Louis. Undeterred, Rachel sought assistance from Mike and Donna Paulsen, who helped her identify a loophole that she presented to Jessica in a compelling manner. Rachel highlighted the false notion that Pearson, Hardman never financed its employees' education, as Jessica had done so for Harvey. To emphasize her point, Rachel even invited Harvey to the meeting.

Surprisingly, Jessica was easily persuaded and eventually agreed to the terms. This acknowledgement solidified Rachel's potential to succeed as the next "Harvey" of Pearson, Hardman. Harvey himself didn't dispute Rachel's argument and praised her for her impressive handling of the situation. Despite the loophole, Jessica would not have agreed to invest significant funds in Rachel if she didn't believe that Rachel was worthy. Just as Jessica saw paying for Harvey's education as an investment, she viewed financing Rachel's studies as a future benefit for the firm.

Why Rachel Was More Like Harvey Than Mike

The Hidden Successor: How Rachel Outshines Even Mike as Harvey's True Heir in Suits

Unfortunately, Rachel's departure from Suits prevented the firm from fully capitalizing on this deal. However, had she and Mike remained at Pearson, Hardman, Rachel would have exhibited qualities similar to Harvey rather than her husband. She possessed a natural confidence, although she still grappled with self-doubt. Like Harvey, she excelled at concealing her vulnerabilities. While Rachel may have been more mild-mannered than the firm's top closer, she proved capable of being just as ruthless when necessary. Both were highly intelligent and resourceful, yet also impervious to committing basic, perplexing errors.