Mike Ross ultimately became a legitimate lawyer in the TV show Suits, thanks to the timely intervention of an ally. The legal drama, which aired on the USA Network for nine seasons and concluded in 2019, revolved around the lives of New York City's reputed top closers as they navigated the world of corporate law while simultaneously grappling with personal challenges. However, at its core, the show focused on the mentorship and relationship between Harvey Spector and his mentee, Mike, which began when their paths fortuitously crossed. Despite Mike's unconventional path to law without attending a law school, Harvey was impressed by his legal expertise and consequently hired him as his associate.
As a team, Harvey and Mike were a force to be reckoned with as they complemented each other's strengths. Harvey brought real-world experience to the table, while Mike possessed exceptional intelligence, resulting in a powerful combination. From the start, Harvey saw a younger version of himself in Mike and they immediately connected. Over time, their relationship evolved from mere colleagues to genuine friendship, leading Harvey to go to great lengths to protect Mike. However, even the best closer in New York couldn't shield Mike from the consequences of his fabrications. Fortunately, once their secret was exposed, Mike was given the opportunity to pursue a legitimate career as a lawyer.
Mike Ross Eventually Becomes A Lawyer After Doing Time In Jail
Mike's lie leading to his law license in Suits was an intriguing turn of events. Despite the efforts of his co-workers and allies, he was arrested and imprisoned. Harvey worked tirelessly to ensure his safety and speedy release. Inspired by his experience, Mike was determined to make amends. When the opportunity to become a real lawyer arose, he couldn't resist. It's worth mentioning that Mike already possessed the knowledge and experience of a genuine attorney. Sorting through papers was merely practice. Despite his good intentions and proven abilities, Anita Gibbs vehemently opposed him becoming a lawyer. However, the return of Jessica Pearson in the season 6 finale changed Gibbs' perspective. The former Pearson Hardman partner expertly appealed to Gibbs' compassion and convinced her that Mike could be a trustworthy lawyer, despite his past.
Jessica Sacrifices Herself To Help Mike Become A Real Lawyer
Jessica's heroic act in the Suits season 6 finale goes beyond merely describing her as a savior. With Gibbs pressuring Mike to betray his colleagues at the law firm, Jessica bravely intervened by questioning whether anyone else was aware of his deception. By that point, practically everyone in the company had discovered the truth. Just as Mike was about to respond, Jessica boldly confessed her own knowledge, ultimately saving him. Although her admission may lead to disbarment in New York, her previous relocation to Chicago allows her to continue her legal practice in the Windy City.