The Hidden Meanings Behind Saltburn's Shocking Scenes

The Hidden Meanings Behind Saltburn's Shocking Scenes

Delve into the deeper meanings and hidden interpretations of the shocking scenes in the movie Saltburn, and explore the character's motivations and obsessions.

Unveiling the Deeper Meanings

Saltburn, a black comedy psychological drama, presents a series of shocking scenes that leave a lasting impact on the viewer. However, these scenes are not merely for shock value; they hold a deeper meaning that delves into the characters' desires, obsessions, and grief.



The bathtub and grave scenes, in particular, play a crucial role in the film's narrative, offering a unique perspective on the characters' motivations and emotional turmoil. These scenes are pivotal in unraveling the complexities of the characters and their hidden desires, leading to a multitude of interpretations and theories.

Duncan holds umbrellas for the Cattons and Oliver, who are all standing on a bridge in Saltburn.

Duncan holds umbrellas for the Cattons and Oliver, who are all standing on a bridge in Saltburn.

The Bath Scene: Unveiling Desire and Obsession

The bathtub scene in Saltburn, where Oliver drinks Felix's bathwater as it drains, holds a significant meaning that goes beyond scandalous and controversial. It serves as a manifestation of Oliver's deep-seated desire and passion for Felix, his friend who embodies everything he aspires to be. From the moment he met Felix at Oxford University, Oliver's infatuation with him is evident, and the bathtub scene unveils the extent of his obsession and longing for Felix's attention.

Oliver (Barry Keoghan) with his eyes closed in the bathtub in Saltburn

Oliver (Barry Keoghan) with his eyes closed in the bathtub in Saltburn

This scandalous act of spying on Felix in the bathtub, coupled with his confession of love and hate for Felix, paints a complex picture of Oliver's emotional turmoil and unrequited desires. The scene not only showcases Oliver's yearning for Felix but also highlights the depths of his obsession, setting the stage for a character-driven narrative that challenges conventional interpretations of love and passion.

Venetia is in the bathtub and holding Oliver's neck, as their faces are inches apart in Saltburn.

Venetia is in the bathtub and holding Oliver's neck, as their faces are inches apart in Saltburn.

The Grave Scene: Grief and Obsession Unveiled

In a surprising and deeply disturbing moment, Saltburn portrays Oliver's grief and obsession through a shocking act at Felix's grave. Following Felix's burial, Oliver's behavior takes a dark turn as he engages in an explicit and unexpected act that reflects his overwhelming grief and obsession with Felix. This scene serves as a poignant representation of Oliver's inability to process his emotions and desires, leading to unthinkable actions that shed light on the complexities of his character.

Felix is smiling over his shoulder with the estate in front of him in Saltburn.

Felix is smiling over his shoulder with the estate in front of him in Saltburn.

Despite the unsettling nature of this scene, it provides a glimpse into Oliver's genuine feelings for Felix, juxtaposed with his internal turmoil and inability to cope with loss. The raw display of grief and obsession highlights the multifaceted nature of Oliver's character, elevating the film's narrative beyond mere shock value and into a thought-provoking exploration of human emotions and vulnerability.

Oliver is wearing a robe and looks out at the mess on the estate grounds in Saltburn.

Oliver is wearing a robe and looks out at the mess on the estate grounds in Saltburn.

Critical Role of the Shocking Scenes

The bathtub and grave scenes in Saltburn, despite their controversial nature, are integral to the character development and thematic exploration of the film. These moments provide a profound insight into Oliver's inner turmoil, desires, and obsessions, shaping his character and driving the narrative forward. Without these shocking scenes, the depth and complexity of Oliver's character would be diminished, detracting from the film's impact and the audience's engagement.

Barry Keoghan as Oliver lounging in Saltburn

Barry Keoghan as Oliver lounging in Saltburn

Furthermore, the inclusion of these scenes sparks discussions and interpretations, elevating Saltburn to one of the most talked-about films of its release year. The film's ability to prompt diverse interpretations and hidden meanings within its disturbing scenes sets it apart as a thought-provoking and original work that challenges conventional storytelling and captivates audiences with its raw portrayal of human emotions.