The Game-Changing Impact of Adding a Playable Character in Death Stranding 2

The Game-Changing Impact of Adding a Playable Character in Death Stranding 2

Introducing a new playable character in Death Stranding 2 may enhance the game's experience, but making Fragile playable could bring both benefits and drawbacks to the highly anticipated title

The highly-anticipated Death Stranding 2 is rumored to be bringing back some of the beloved characters from the first installment. While details about the game and its protagonist remain scarce, there is speculation that Fragile, one of the key supporting characters from the previous game, may be a playable character in the sequel. As Sam Porter's trusted ally in the first game, Fragile played an instrumental role in supporting and aiding the protagonist. However, if Fragile is indeed playable in the new game, it could prove to be both a blessing and a curse for Death Stranding 2.

The Unique Gameplay of Death Stranding

The Game-Changing Impact of Adding a Playable Character in Death Stranding 2

The initial release of Death Stranding was a standout title for its time, offering a truly unique gameplay experience. Rather than focusing on traditional combat elements, the game centered around the player's ability to successfully deliver packages across an apocalyptic version of the United States. While combat was a possibility, players were actively discouraged from engaging in it and often faced negative consequences for doing so. Instead, the game challenged players to navigate through a world filled with dangerous creatures, known as BTs or Beached-Things, while avoiding detection and completing their delivery objectives. Over time, players were given new tools and techniques to combat these creatures, including stealth kills and active combat, culminating in epic boss battles that served as some of the game's most memorable moments.

Why Making Fragile a Playable Character In Death Stranding 2 Is A Double-Edged Sword

The Game-Changing Impact of Adding a Playable Character in Death Stranding 2

Speculations suggest that Death Stranding 2 may explore Fragile's backstory, possibly resulting in her becoming a playable character. This would present exciting new gameplay opportunities, particularly with her teleportation ability serving as a fast travel mechanism. However, incorporating this feature into the base game may also diminish the challenge of navigating environmental obstacles, which was a key aspect of Death Stranding's gameplay. It could also potentially make Sam Porter a less attractive character to play as. Therefore, implementing Fragile's teleportation ability would require careful balancing to ensure it adds to, rather than detracts from, the overall gameplay experience.

The future of Death Stranding 2 remains uncertain as Kojima Productions has kept their plans under wraps. The gameplay is expected to present unique challenges, particularly if Fragile is introduced as a playable character. It remains to be seen how Kojima Productions will tackle this potential obstacle, but fans eagerly await the outcome. The game is set to release on PS5, and excitement continues to build among players.