The Forgotten Rhoynar of Game of Thrones: Unveiling Their Epic Legacy

The Forgotten Rhoynar of Game of Thrones: Unveiling Their Epic Legacy

The Rhoynar, an ancient people in Game of Thrones lore, remain an enigma to many fans Discover their origin, migration, and the noble families descended from this intriguing civilization

In the world of Game of Thrones, there is a wealth of knowledge surrounding the numerous families and lineages across Westeros. Understanding the origins of characters and their houses can often be a daunting task, due to the influential marriages made to strengthen power throughout the realms.

Fortunately, devoted fans have thoroughly researched the lineage of these houses and groups, despite the limited information provided in the television series. Amongst these groups, the Rhoynar hold a special place, boasting a unique and ancient background that predates many others in the Game of Thrones universe.

Who Were The Rhoynar?

The Forgotten Rhoynar of Game of Thrones: Unveiling Their Epic Legacy

The Rhoynar, much to the surprise of Game of Thrones fans, were once peace-loving inhabitants of riverside communities. Contrary to popular belief, they did not originate from Westeros, but rather called Essos their home. However, their peaceful existence did not endure, as the world of Game of Thrones is notorious for its brevity of goodness.

Compared to other contemporary societies, the Rhoynar can be considered relatively advanced. This attribute likely contributed to their ability to maintain peace through rumored agreements, wherein they would share their knowledge and skills with neighboring communities. The Rhoynar not only thrived as a civilization, but also constructed numerous majestic cities and fostered flourishing religious practices.

The Rhoynar's high level of development contributed to a society where men and women were relatively equal. Despite some political unrest among cities, the existing equality likely prevented any ruler from making reckless decisions. Understanding the Rhoynar's background helps explain why they eventually suffered a tragic destiny.

This unfortunate fate occurred when the Valyrians, particularly the Valyrian Freehold, emerged as the Rhoynar's adversaries. As a progressive and tolerant people, the Rhoynar had no issue with others settling in nearby lands. However, this acceptance ultimately led to their downfall, as they found themselves embroiled in warfare with the Valyrians. This period became known as the Rhoynish Wars, which tragically ended when the Valyrians introduced dragons into the conflict.

Despite the Valyrians facing strong resistance, their immense fleet of dragons successfully eradicated a considerable portion of the Rhoynar population. Consequently, Princess Nymeria stepped forward to lead her remaining people in a strategic retreat. Tragically, this retreat marked the permanent displacement of the Rhoynar, as they were compelled to seek a new homeland. Bereft of the opportunity to bid farewell to their homes and the numerous individuals lost to the Valyrians, the Rhoynar embarked on the treacherous sea journey aboard a colossal armada, ardently aspiring for a more promising existence on the other side of the vast ocean.

Where Did The Rhoynar Immigrate to?

The Forgotten Rhoynar of Game of Thrones: Unveiling Their Epic Legacy

The Rhoynar, a group of highly skilled and advanced individuals, sought refuge in various lands. However, destiny led them to Dorne, a land well-known to Game of Thrones enthusiasts. Despite their diminished numbers, Princess Nymeria strategically secured her position by marrying into the Martell family. With their union, Nymeria and her new husband, Mors Martell, gained complete control over the previously divided region of Dorne.

Which Families Are Descended From The Rhoynar?

Although the Rhoynar people may have experienced a decline in their quality of life following the Valyrian invasion, they managed to survive. Regrettably, their culture suffered a significant loss and became heavily influenced by other cultures upon their settlement in Dorne.

The Forgotten Rhoynar of Game of Thrones: Unveiling Their Epic Legacy

Over time, the Rhoynar culture gradually faded away, leaving behind few traces. Although the true Rhoynar may no longer exist, there are other groups closely connected to them. In particular, the Dornishmen and the Greenblood share strong associations with the Rhoynar legacy. The Dornishmen encompass a diverse mix of cultures and individuals, with the Rhoynar lineage being most pronounced among those living near bodies of water. However, it is the Greenblood who maintain the closest ties, as their people exhibit a higher degree of selectivity.

Many, if not all, of the major families in Dorne are likely descended from the Rhoynar due to their widespread settlement in the region. House Martell and House Dane are among the most obvious families with Rhoynar lineage. This ancestry explains the notable traits of Oberyn Martell, a beloved but short-lived character, who demonstrates the laid-back attitude, proud nature, and egalitarian views associated with the Rhoynar. Unfortunately, as House Of The Dragon takes place only hundreds of years before Game of Thrones, rather than thousands, there is no opportunity to explore the rich culture of the Rhoynar.

Game of Thrones is available to stream on Max.