The Fate of Garp in One Piece: Unveiling his Ultimate Destiny!

The Fate of Garp in One Piece: Unveiling his Ultimate Destiny!

Garp's fate hangs in the balance after his clash with the Blackbeard pirates With uncertain survival and looming repercussions, will the legendary figure meet his demise in One Piece?

Monkey D. Garp, a legendary figure in the One Piece universe, is adored by fans as a beloved character. Despite being an opponent of the story's protagonist, Garp is known for his kind-hearted nature and unwavering love for his family. He played a significant role in shaping the lives of Luffy and Dragon. However, Garp's life has been marred by tragedy, with the loss of most of his students and witnessing his family members turn to a life of crime. The ultimate blow came when one of his grandsons tragically died before his eyes, leaving him powerless to intervene. Now, as the story progresses, Garp's own impending death adds a heartbreaking and poignant element to his character arc.

Garp Vs The Blackbeard Pirates

The Fate of Garp in One Piece: Unveiling his Ultimate Destiny!

Garp, one of the oldest characters in One Piece, has previously demonstrated his ability to handle old characters like Whitebeard during the Paramount War. A similar situation arose when Captain Koby, a beloved pupil of Garp, was taken by the Blackbeard Pirates to Pirate Island, Hachinosu. Determined to protect Koby, Garp gathered as many Navy officers as possible and confronted Blackbeard on the island. Although Blackbeard was not present as he was occupied elsewhere, Garp faced challenges from the fierce ship captains of the Blackbeard Pirates, including the former Marine Admiral, Aokiji. The relationship between Kuzan and Garp, who had a significant history, was also explored, revealing that Kuzan was once Garp's most beloved pupil, just as Koby is now. Despite the difficulties of battling a former Marine Admiral and the Blackbeard Pirates, Garp fought valiantly, handling everything thrown at him with ease.

Garp's Injury

The Fate of Garp in One Piece: Unveiling his Ultimate Destiny!

Despite Garp's control over the majority of the fight, the Blackbeard Pirates managed to lay a simple trap that ensnared Koby. Garp, realizing the danger, swiftly ordered the Marines to retreat and secure the captured slaves and injured comrades. It was a wise decision to avoid a prolonged battle on the Pirate Island, as it would only result in an unnecessary waste of energy and the return of Blackbeard, further complicating the situation.

However, Koby's foolishness led him to fall into the trap set by the Blackbeard Pirates, leaving him vulnerable to an attack from Shiryu. Aware of Shiryu's strength, Garp intervened and sacrificed himself to take the full force of the attack. This unexpected turn weakened Garp, as pointed out by Oda in the chapter.

Despite sustaining this injury, Garp persisted in effortlessly overpowering a weakened Shiryu. Furthermore, Garp faced off against Kuzan once more, exchanging tremendous blows infused with formidable Haki, propelling each other backwards. Evidently, Garp's previous advantage has waned significantly as he has considerably weakened.

Will Garp Die?

The Fate of Garp in One Piece: Unveiling his Ultimate Destiny!

In the ending of One Piece chapter 1087, we saw Garp lying on the floor while Avalo Pizarro, the Fourth Ship Captain, made his way towards the Navy ship that had successfully escaped from the Pirate Island earlier. Pizarro intends to sink the Navy ship, taking advantage of Garp's vulnerable position. However, it should be noted that Garp is not incapacitated yet and may rise to halt Pizarro's progress. Fans can anticipate this development in the next chapter of One Piece, as Garp has expressed his unwavering belief in justice prevailing. Moving forward, it is likely that Garp will put on a spectacle to ensure the safety of Koby, Gruss, and Helmeppo.

By leaving himself behind on the Pirate Island as a decoy, his chances of survival will decrease even further. Fans have long speculated about whether Garp will meet his demise, a possibility that could materialize at any moment in the future. The situation he finds himself in bears similarities to the Paramount War where Whitebeard tragically perished. While Garp could meet a similar fate, clues provided by Oda suggest that the Blackbeard Pirates may opt to keep him as a hostage rather than kill him.

Blackbeard's capture of Koby demonstrated his intention to use him as leverage in his quest for country status for the Pirate Island from the Government. He believed that Koby's Hero status would compel the Government to comply with his demands. Despite losing Koby, Blackbeard's acquisition of Garp, an even more prominent Marine hero, promises greater influence over the Government. Garp's potential ability to sway the Government is why he serves as an invaluable asset for Blackbeard.

The Repercussions Of The Decision

The Fate of Garp in One Piece: Unveiling his Ultimate Destiny!

Garp is expected to stay on the Pirate Island and singlehandedly engage in a battle against all the members of the group. This confrontation may not be shown directly on screen as the Navy ship is protected by the Vice Admiral. However, it is likely that in a later part of the story or even in the next chapter, fans will witness Garp's defeat. Blackbeard will eventually return to the island and use Garp as a prisoner and a bargaining tool against the Government. Naturally, the Government will not succumb to his unreasonable demands and will instead declare war on the Blackbeard Pirates. This is particularly evident considering the current chaotic state of the One Piece world.

The current era is experiencing unprecedented turmoil, and the Government must find a way to restore balance. The ongoing war with the Revolutionary Army has already prompted the involvement of the God's Knights, with Kizaru leading a fleet of 100 ships towards Egghead Island. One of the Five Elders, Jaygarcia Saturn, is also part of this fleet.

Another war is highly probable to be declared soon, this time initiated by the Government against the Blackbeard Pirates in order to secure Garp's freedom. Sengoku and Tsuru are expected to play significant roles in this conflict, and there is a possibility that more powerful characters from the World Government's descent from Marijoa will join the war due to potential numerical limitations. It is also likely that other Admirals, such as Fujitora and Greenbull, will participate in this war. As stated by Oda, the Final Saga of One Piece will be a chaotic battle royale, and the ongoing events seem to align with this description.