The Fantastic Four: A Look at the Most Memorable Costumes

The Fantastic Four: A Look at the Most Memorable Costumes

The Fantastic Four's on-screen costumes have gone through several iterations, each with its own unique style and design. From the sleek uniforms to the individual, expressive outfits, the visual identity of the team has evolved over the years. Here's a closer look at the top 7 Fantastic Four costumes that have made a lasting impression on audiences.

The Astonishing Thing

Michael Chiklis' portrayal of The Thing in Fantastic Four (2005) and Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007) brought the character's iconic design to life in a convincing way. The distinctively cartoonish comic design was translated into a compelling live-action representation, with Chiklis's performance shining through the layers of makeup and prosthetics. The costume, complete with shin-length pants that matched the rest of the team, perfectly captured the essence of The Thing while conforming to Ben's unique biology.

Jamie Bell as Ben Grimm aka The Thing In 2015's Fantastic Four Staring At Miles Teller As Reed Richards

Jamie Bell as Ben Grimm aka The Thing In 2015's Fantastic Four Staring At Miles Teller As Reed Richards

From his distinctive brow ridge to his four flat fingers on each hand, the attention to detail in The Thing's costume was truly astonishing. Chiklis's portrayal of The Thing, which was Stan Lee's favorite superhero performance ever committed to film, perfectly channeled the character's signature personality.

Michael Chiklis as The Thing Fantastic Four

Michael Chiklis as The Thing Fantastic Four

Reed Richards' Marvelous Suit

John Krasinski's surprise cameo as Reed Richards in Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness (2022) marked The Fantastic Four's first appearance in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Krasinski's high-quality, comic-accurate suit, complete with a classic blue-and-black color scheme and a plainly-visible '4' logo, was a testament to the character's iconic design. Despite the over-designed elements, the suit captured the essence of Mr. Fantastic's identity on the big screen.

John Krasinski's Reed Richards, a.k.a. Mister Fantastic, in the Illuminati chambers in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

John Krasinski's Reed Richards, a.k.a. Mister Fantastic, in the Illuminati chambers in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

The inclusion of needless busy lines and angles, reminiscent of certain costume elements in the MCU, slightly detracted from the overall impact of the suit. However, Krasinski's portrayal of Reed Richards in the classic costume left a lasting impression on fans, setting the stage for the MCU's Fantastic Four reboot in 2025.

John Krasinski as Reed Richards in Doctor Strange 2; Ioan Gruffudd (Reed Richards) and Jessica Alba (Sue Storm) in Fantastic Four

John Krasinski as Reed Richards in Doctor Strange 2; Ioan Gruffudd (Reed Richards) and Jessica Alba (Sue Storm) in Fantastic Four

The Divergent Invisible Woman

Kate Mara's portrayal of the Invisible Woman in Fantastic Four (2015) introduced a visually divergent approach to the character's costume. The individually-tailored, dark-colored outfit, reminiscent of a diver's wetsuit, presented a unique take on the containment units for the Four's powers. However, the lack of a strong visual identity and a compelling explanation for compensating Sue Storm's invisibility left the design feeling somewhat uninspired.

Kate Mara Fantastic Four 2015

Kate Mara Fantastic Four 2015

The Radiant Human Torch

Michael B. Jordan's portrayal of The Human Torch in Fantastic Four (2015) showcased a suit with clear vents and cooling systems to manage his staggering temperatures. The small radiator on his chest, emulating the classic '4' badge with four small tubes, added a nice touch to the otherwise unremarkable, colorless suit. Despite the functional design, the suit lacked the vibrant and dynamic appeal associated with the character in the comics.

Michael B Jordan as the Human Torch in Fantastic Four

Michael B Jordan as the Human Torch in Fantastic Four

The Stretchy Mr. Fantastic

Miles Teller's portrayal of Mr. Fantastic in Fantastic Four (2015) delved into the body horror aspect of the character's stretchy powers. The suit, featuring visible cables and telescoping joints, offered a realistic portrayal of how his costume could stretch along with him. However, the practical design often left Teller looking like he was caught in a net, detracting from the overall impact of the suit.

Miles Teller in Fantastic Four

Miles Teller in Fantastic Four

The Timeless Suits of 2005

Ioan Gruffudd's Reed Richards and Chris Evans' Johnny Storm in Fantastic Four (2005) and Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007) shared identical, clean jumpsuits that adhered to the classic blue color scheme and featured the iconic '4' logo. The suits, although lacking in detailed explanation of their powers, struck a balance between comic accuracy and live-action practicality.

Ioan Gruffudd as Reed Richards in Fantastic Four

Ioan Gruffudd as Reed Richards in Fantastic Four

The sweeping shoulder lines and crisp logo added to the overall appeal of the timeless suits, making them a notable representation of The Fantastic Four's visual identity on the big screen.

Chris Evans as Johnny Storm Human Torch in Fantastic Four

Chris Evans as Johnny Storm Human Torch in Fantastic Four

The Questionable Invisible Woman

Jessica Alba's portrayal of the Invisible Woman in Fantastic Four (2005) and Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007) featured a custom-tailored jumpsuit that, despite its classic design, raised questions about its functionality and consistency. The tight-fitting suit, coupled with an inconsistent neckline in certain shots, detracted from the overall impact of the character's costume, leaving room for improvement in future adaptations.

Jessica Alba As Sue Storm Using Her Powers In Fantastic Four Rise of the Silver Surfer

Jessica Alba As Sue Storm Using Her Powers In Fantastic Four Rise of the Silver Surfer