The Enigmatic Toji Fushiguro: Unlocking the Secrets Behind Jujutsu Kaisen's Mysterious Character

Unveiling the enigma that is Toji Fushiguro! Explore the depths of this captivating character from Jujutsu Kaisen, delving into his mysterious family legacy, formidable strength and unique abilities, intriguing personality traits, and his dark occupation as an assassin
Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 explores Gojo's past and his relationship with Suguru, providing important context before the Shibuya arc.
Toji Fushiguro, an enigmatic character, holds a crucial position in the narrative and is the initial one to confront Satoru. His past unravels a lack of esteem within his Clan, tumultuous connections, and his metamorphosis into a proficient combatant with extraordinary talents.
Content+: Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 commenced by delving into the past, shedding light on Gojo's youth and his connection with Suguru, thus providing crucial context leading up to the Shibuya arc. However, an equally significant addition to the narrative was the unveiling of Toji Fushiguro, initially a enigmatic figure who later emerged as intricately linked to the main storyline. Toji not only became the first to truly test Satoru, but also emerged as one of the most captivating characters within the Jujutsu Kaisen universe.
The Fushiguro Last Name
Originally named Toji Zen'in, he faced constant disrespect and rejection from the members of his Clan. Lacking talent in jujutsu, he held no value to the power-hungry Zen'in, who prioritized social standing and upholding family traditions. After enduring years of being treated as an outcast, enduring relentless bullying (resulting in the scar on his mouth), he eventually left the Clan. He resorted to survival by manipulating various women into taking care of him, spending exorbitant amounts on weapons and gambling. This tumultuous path led him to work as an assassin for dubious individuals. However, after encountering Megumi's mother and marrying her, he temporarily suspended his illicit activities. Taking on his wife's last name, Fushiguro, he developed a deep emotional connection with her, although little else is known about her. Tragically, her life was cut short shortly after giving birth to Megumi. The cause of her death remains a mystery, and whether it is because of his association with her demise or simply due to his indifference, Toji didn't maintain a close or caring relationship with his son, often forgetting his name. This detached demeanor appears contradictory during his fateful battle with Gojo and subsequent encounters with Megumi, making it difficult to discern his true feelings.
Strength And Abilities
After some time, he entered into another marriage. This new partner, who remains unnamed, already had a child named Tsumiki. Despite successfully creating a new family following the tragedy, he was far from finding the same sense of peace. Overwhelmingly consumed by his addiction, he would gamble relentlessly and resorted to working as a mercenary once again just to support his habit. It is evident that he never truly recovered from the devastating loss of his beloved first wife, which ultimately led him to the pivotal events of the Gojo's Past Arc and the Shibuya Incident Arc, where he also makes an appearance.
Toji, a Zen'in, was born without any curse energy, making him unable to use jujutsu and lacking the inherent talent for it. Surprisingly, he managed to defy the odds and emerged as one of the world's most formidable fighters, even cornering Saturo Gojo. This remarkable achievement was made possible by his Heavenly Restriction, a rare occurrence where a person with a Restricted body completely eliminates their curse energy. In exchange, Toji gained extraordinary physical strength, heightened senses, and the ability to interact with curses. His lack of curse energy also grants him the advantage of being undiscoverable by other sorcerers, including the Six Eyes, proving to be a valuable asset.
That alone, however, would not suffice. Toji possesses unparalleled expertise as a weapons specialist, but in a truly one-of-a-kind manner. He shares a unique bond with a cursed spirit, serving as his master, which grants him the ability to store and retrieve his weapons at will. This peculiar relationship was nurtured by treating the spirit with the same care and affection as one would a pet. His arsenal consists of incredibly potent cursed tools, including the Split Soul Katana, capable of severing practically anything, the Inverted Spear of Heaven, which possesses the ability to nullify cursed techniques upon contact, the Chain of a Thousand Miles, whose name speaks for itself, and the Playful Cloud, which later becomes Maki's weapon.
Toji's talents are bestowed upon him in a contrasting manner compared to Gojo. His heightened senses, extraordinary speed, strength, and reflexes, combined with his masterful strategic intellect, enable him to effectively counter Satoru's natural jujutsu abilities. When you add his formidable array of weapons and methodical pre-fight plans into the mix, Toji becomes a truly formidable individual, a force to be reckoned with.
Personality Traits
Toji Fushiguro possesses an exceptional level of confidence and manipulation skills. Despite experiencing a complicated upbringing, he has developed a strong sense of self and has become exceedingly self-centered. It is evident that the only individuals he genuinely cares about, aside from himself, are Megumi's mother and occasionally Megumi himself. Throughout his various assignments, Toji demonstrates an impressively composed demeanor, focusing solely on accomplishing tasks without concern for his own survival.
Nevertheless, there are instances where his careless attitude subsides. With the Star Plasma Vessel contract, he sought to prove that he could compete with the world's top sorcerers, even without possessing curse energy. His desire to reclaim his pride and seek vengeance against the Zen'in family for their disrespect was fervent. Toji's main preoccupation in life appears to be acquiring wealth, which he uses to purchase weapons, food, and engage in gambling activities such as boat racing or any form of racing in general. He never questions his clients' motives or interests, and he remains uninvolved in typical family activities, presenting an overall cold and distant demeanor. Throughout his life, Toji seems to exist predominantly in his own secluded world.
Working As An Assassin
In addition to being Megumi's father, his main role in the series is his contract with the Time Vessel Association. His mission is to track down Riko Amani, the Star Plasma Vessel, for which he was offered a reward of 30 million yen. However, hunting down Riko proves to be a difficult task as she is protected by the two strongest sorcerers of the moment, Satoru Gojo and Suguru Geto, who were assigned by Master Tengen himself.
Toji has gained a reputation for being the best assassin, especially targeting sorcerers. His immense strength and ability to go unnoticed make him a formidable foe for sorcerers. In the case of capturing the bearer of the Six Eyes, there is no one better suited for the job. Despite eventually being defeated, Toji managed to significantly humble Gojo by being the only sorcerer to ever win a fight against him.
Jujutusu Kaisen Season 2 is now streaming on Crunchyroll.