The immensely popular anime series, Horimiya, captivated viewers with its heartwarming romance, compelling characters, and slice-of-life charm during its initial run from January to April 2021. Adapted from the beloved manga of the same name, the series follows the blossoming relationship between high school students Kyouko Hori and Izumi Miyamura.
Popular anime Horimiya unlikely to get a season 3
Despite captivating fans with its gripping storyline, the burning question that lingers in the minds of everyone is whether a third season is on the horizon. Regrettably, as of September 2023, no official announcement has been made regarding the highly anticipated continuation of this anime.Expand Tweet
There has been no official announcement for the release of Horimiya season 3, and it appears unlikely to happen due to the limited availability of source material. The anime is based on the manga series by Hiroki Adachi (HERO) and Daisuke Hagiwara, which concluded with 16 volumes on March 18, 2021.
The first season of the popular anime covered most of the manga volumes, but some parts were left out. These omitted parts were later addressed in the second season. It's important to mention that the author of Horimiya released an additional volume called A Piece of Memories (Volume 17), which includes extra stories not found in volumes 1-16.
Considering various factors, a third season seems unlikely at the moment. However, there is a possibility of an OVA episode adapting the four chapters from volume 17. Additionally, it's worth noting that the manga series has been serialized in English by Yen Press, and all 17 volumes are available on Amazon. Based on this information, there is no current development for season 3 and no official release date.
All you need to know about the first and second seasons of Horimiya
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The captivating duo of Kyouko Hori and Izumi Miyamura was introduced in the first season of Horimiya, revealing their secret lives and adding depth to their characters. The combination of romance, comedy, and slice-of-life elements resonated deeply with viewers, leaving a lasting impact on their hearts. Hori and Miyamura's blossoming relationship beautifully captured their personal growth and the challenges they faced as individuals.
In the second season, Hori and Miyamura's story goes beyond high school as they navigate the complexities of adulthood. Their emotional connection intensifies, leaving fans craving for more.
Team behind Horimiya anime
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The success of the series can be attributed to two key factors: its captivating storyline and the talented individuals who brought it to life. CloverWorks, the studio behind the anime adaptation, is known for producing visually and audibly exceptional anime, as seen in their past acclaimed works such as Spy x Family and The Promised Neverland. These works have solidified them as a reliable and skilled production team.
Director Masashi Ishihama and writer Takao Yoshioka were responsible for helming the series. Their expertise in capturing the essence of the source material and delivering captivating storytelling greatly contributed to the appeal of Horimiya.
Final Thoughts
While there is still hope among fans for a potential third season, the chances seem slim as there is a lack of source material available. The anime has already covered a significant portion of the manga and has reached a satisfying conclusion. However, there is a glimmer of hope for avid supporters who are eager to witness more of Hori and Miyamura's adventures. An OVA episode that adapts additional content from Volume 17 may provide them with the opportunity they are seeking.