The End of Metal Gear Solid: Unveiling 10 Mind-Blowing Secrets You Never Knew
Uncover fascinating and lesser-known facts about The End and his epic boss battle in Metal Gear Solid From his birth in the 1860s to hidden cutscenes and eerie voiceovers, explore the intriguing world of this iconic character
The End was born in the 1860s, making him over a hundred years old during the events of Metal Gear Solid 3.
By inputting the Konami Code on the map screen, players can uncover The End's whereabouts for the boss battle, which will remain revealed throughout the battle.
Prior to the final showdown, players may choose to weaken The End by inflicting injuries. This not only decreases his initial health but also sets the stage for an exhilarating sniper duel.
The End, a renowned sniper of the Cobra Unit, was instrumental in assisting the Allies during World War II in the Metal Gear Solid series. In his first appearance in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, his boss battle is widely regarded as one of the most unforgettable encounters in the series.
Various lesser-known details surround The End and his formidable boss battle. These include the originally intended codename for him during development, the unique method of his posthumous voice transmission, and the intriguing connection between his abilities and their role in the fifth game.
10 He Was Born Specifically In The 1860s
The End's exact age is not specified when Naked Snake discusses him with his companions; they all provide a vague estimate of him being "over a hundred years old." Furthermore, his birth date is not clearly indicated.
However, it is confirmed that he was born in the 1860s. This information was revealed in a leaked document that surfaced prior to E3 in 2004 and was eventually translated into English by fans. Therefore, based on the timeframe of the game (Operation Snake Eater taking place in 1964), it can be inferred that The End was likely born between 1860 and 1863. Although this is not a precise determination, it is an educated speculation.
9 The Konami Code Will Reveal His Position
He is donning a unique ghillie suit, blending seamlessly with the surrounding forest, making it easier for him to conceal himself from Snake during their intense boss battle. The battle unfolds across various sections of the surrounding area, adding a heightened level of difficulty.
Although players have the option to spot his scope's reflection or employ other clever tactics like capturing and releasing his cherished parrot to track his whereabouts, there is a more effortless strategy to defeat him: entering the Konami Code on the map screen, which will permanently disclose his location.
8 Snake Can Injure Him Instead Of Killing Him
During a cutscene, The End is shown seated in a wheelchair and is being wheeled through a doorway in preparation for his final battle. Seasoned fans are aware that shooting the nearby oil barrels with a sniper rifle can cause them to explode, resulting in an early demise for The End. Consequently, this bypasses the battle entirely.
For those who wish to experience an incredible sniper duel but still seek an advantage, it is possible to inflict a wound on The End before he is taken out of sight by an enemy soldier. When the boss battle occurs later on, The End will start with slightly less health.
7 He Can K.O. Snake In A Few Different Ways
Rather than trying to kill Snake, The End prefers to use tranquilizer rounds and stun grenades. This does not make him any less of a formidable opponent. If the player's stamina is completely depleted, a cutscene will show Snake attempting to run with difficulty before eventually being knocked out. The End will mock his recklessness and then transport him to Graniny Gorki prison with the cell door left open.
A similar cutscene will occur if the player remains in one position for too long or saves the game and returns after a few days of waiting. Snake will be discovered napping and subsequently knocked out. The End will disapprove from a distance, expressing his disdain for sleeping on the battlefield, and once again take him to the aforementioned prison, prepared to wait for another opportunity.
6 The End Originally Had A Different Name
The Cobras are bestowed with various aliases, often reflecting a state of mind or an ominous premonition. The character known as The End is aptly christened, for he teeters on the precipice of mortality but summons the will to confront Snake once more before his ultimate demise.
During the concept phase, however, his moniker took on an entirely different form: The Doom. Though imbued with an intimidating essence, this title was eventually discarded. One significant factor behind this decision was the close proximity of the release of DOOM 3 and Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. Interestingly, The End's character was initially inspired by a discarded adversary named "Oldman," originally intended for the second installment of the game.
5 The Boss Battle Was Intended To Last A Long While
Series creator Hideo Kojima possessed grand ambitions for his ideas, but this occasionally led to impractical requests. According to interviews, he had envisioned battles that would span 1 to 2 weeks. His aim was to replicate the intricacies of a realistic sniper confrontation, where players would gradually wear down the enemy and strategize to secure victory.
Although Konami conducted some tests with this concept, they ultimately deemed it unattainable and decided to abandon it.
4 A Humorous Cutscene Of Him Can Be Found In The Secret Theater
Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence, the updated release of the third game, offered a generous amount of exclusive content. Among the peculiar additions, one stands out – the Secret Theater mode. This mode showcased comical reinterpretations of the original game's cutscenes.
One of these reimagined scenes, named 'He's Still Got It,' follows The End as he escapes from his wheelchair to pursue his newfound infatuation, EVA. He intervenes in various situations, even tranquilizing Ocelot to ensure EVA's safety. Eventually, upon discovering EVA's intimacy with Snake, The End seeks revenge but meets an absurd demise when he is knocked over by her motorbike and subsequently explodes. It is a delightfully amusing spectacle.
3 His Voice Can Be Heard From Beyond The Grave
The 'Dead Man's Treasure' Side-Ops contain an intriguing Easter egg. In these missions, players are tasked with collecting items belonging to deceased MSF troops in the South American jungles, preferably without encountering their ghosts. All of these missions occur during nighttime.
If the player repeatedly attempts to make a radio call, there is a small possibility of hearing a brief transmission from The End. His haunting words, such as "This is The End" and "Remember me, Snake?", will send shivers down anyone's spine. However, successfully discovering this Easter egg also grants players the rare Neo-Moss uniform, inspired by The End's own attire.
2 Snake References The End In Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
In Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, Miller's recorded conversations reveal humorous exchanges with Snake. One such conversation involves Miller mentioning CIA snipers in the woods, triggering Snake's nostalgia as he recalls the time it took him an hour to locate a particular sniper. It's quite obvious who Snake is referring to.
Snake continues the banter with more quirky questions, like whether these snipers shine from their heads (alluding to The End's baldness) and if they have parrots with them (The End had a pet parrot acting as his spotter). Miller, perplexed, admits that Snake has approached the wrong person for those answers.
1 His Body Harbors The Same Parasites As The Skulls
The ability of The End to photosynthesize and recover health is attributed to an infection with a parasite, resulting in diverse after-effects that prioritize the host's survival. Navajo biologist Code Talker, featured in Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain, made this discovery.
Reportedly, the same parasites were extracted from The End's remains after his demise, whereby a micro-bomb eliminated the defeated Cobra members. Code Talker noted how these parasites would continue to support cell composition even after the host's death. Utilizing this parasite strain, Skull Face then transformed some of his own XOF soldiers into the Skulls.