The Empowering Abilities of Kyoka Bring Yuuki a Renewed Purpose in Chained Soldier Episode 1: Introduction of the Main Cast

The Empowering Abilities of Kyoka Bring Yuuki a Renewed Purpose in Chained Soldier Episode 1: Introduction of the Main Cast

Chained Soldier episode 1 introduces Kyoka's captivating powers, giving Yuuki a newfound purpose As the main cast is unveiled, this highly anticipated Winter 2024 anime series sets the stage with an exciting premiere

The highly anticipated Winter 2024 anime series, Chained Soldier episode 1, was released on Thursday, January 4, 2024. Leading up to its premiere, there was much hype, but fans were unsure if the series could live up to it. Despite it being just one episode, Chained Soldier episode 1 delivered in key categories, especially the animation. The series, though unconventional, seems to be living up to the excitement surrounding it at the start of the Winter 2024 season.

Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from Chained Soldier episode 1.

Chained Soldier episode 1 focuses on and excels at establishing the setting, plot, and main cast

Brief episode recap

The first episode of Chained Soldier opened with the brutal pillaging of a village by horned monsters. A young girl with white hair was shown cowering beneath her mother's lifeless body as one of the beasts advanced towards her.

The Empowering Abilities of Kyoka Bring Yuuki a Renewed Purpose in Chained Soldier Episode 1: Introduction of the Main Cast

Yuuki Wakura is introduced as the series' protagonist in the opening moments of Chained Soldier episode 1 (Image via Seven Arcs)

She declared that this was her chosen path, while the scene transitioned once again to a young boy staring at a backpack and a lone shoe on the pavement in front of him, asserting that this was his tale.

The scene shifted to reveal older versions of the two young children fighting the monsters together. The girl declared that this was her path to becoming the Supreme Commander, while the boy expressed that it was his story of becoming a hero.

Episode 1 of Chained Soldier then transitioned to a summit meeting discussing the current situation in the country of Mato. The perspective then moved to the grown boy, Yuuki Wakura, cleaning a school classroom with his friends.

The arrival of the girls is witnessed by the men, who attribute their mysterious abilities to an entity known as Peaches. Yuuki further explains that only women are able to receive "blessings" from Peaches, which he insists makes their lives more difficult.

Yuuki expresses regret that the skills he picked up from his older sister won't make him more appealing to girls, despite the fact that he learned them to improve his own life. One of his friends starts discussing his sister in a quiet voice but is quickly interrupted by the other.

In episode 1 of Chained Soldier, the scene changes to later in the day, with Yuuki appearing to leave a job interview. He walks past a sign that reads "This Month's Mato Mishaps" while wondering if he can do something more meaningful than living a "normal" adult life. Just as he says this, a fog obscures his vision.

He recalls the earlier scene from his childhood, when the fog cleared to reveal the Demon Capital of Mato. Consulting a manual that promises answers about Mato Mishaps, he learns that Mato is an alternate dimension connected to Japan by mysterious gates that appeared suddenly and inexplicably.

The Empowering Abilities of Kyoka Bring Yuuki a Renewed Purpose in Chained Soldier Episode 1: Introduction of the Main Cast

Monsters known as Shuuki pursue Yuuki in Mato, setting the stage for the action in Chained Soldier episode 1 (Image via Seven Arcs)

In the first episode of Chained Soldier, it is explained that Mato Mishaps are the damages caused by “Shuuki” in the human world or unintentional civilians wandering into Mato. The manual instructs Yuuki to wait for the Demon Defense Force, but this becomes unrealistic when a massive monster attacks him. Along with dropping his phone, containing the manual. As the monster approaches, Yuuki envisions his death, but a white-haired girl in her grown-up form pilots another monster to defend him. She swiftly deals with the Shuukis and their corpses turn to blue flames.

The Empowering Abilities of Kyoka Bring Yuuki a Renewed Purpose in Chained Soldier Episode 1: Introduction of the Main Cast

In episode 1 of Chained Soldier, the woman introduces herself as Kyouka Uzen, the Commander of the Demon Defense Force 7th Squad. Yuuki points out that they may need to worry given the Shuuki approaching, but Kyouka seemingly subjugates an unconscious Shuuki by putting her foot on it. She then tells Yuuki to get on so they can escape the other Shuuki.

The Empowering Abilities of Kyoka Bring Yuuki a Renewed Purpose in Chained Soldier Episode 1: Introduction of the Main Cast

Kyouka Uzen thankfully comes to Yuuki's rescue in Chained Soldier episode 1 (Image via Seven Arcs)

Kyouka's 7th Squad allies Himari Azuma, Nei Okawamura, and Syusyu Suruga come to their aid as they flee. Kyouka orders them to expand their search area, and Nei uses her sensory power to reveal more Shuuki groups approaching. In "Chained Soldier" episode 1, Kyouka instructs the others to fight the Shuuki while she flees with Yuuki. Himari transforms her arm into a minigun, Syusyu becomes a giant to battle the Shuuki, and Nei continues her sensory duties. Yuuki explains that the Demon Defense Force is composed of female combat specialists and that Peaches, which grant powers, come from Mato.

The Empowering Abilities of Kyoka Bring Yuuki a Renewed Purpose in Chained Soldier Episode 1: Introduction of the Main Cast

In their endeavors, Himari and the rest come across a young boy, as Syusyu expresses exhaustion. As they make their way back with the child, they engage in a discussion about Kyouka, with Himari offering apologies to Nei for relying on her powers. Upon waking up, the boy asks about his sister, revealing that she is also in Mato. Kyoka's subordinates play a crucial role in the events of Chained Soldier episode 1 (Image via Seven Arcs)

The first episode of Chained Soldier then returns to Yuuki and Kyouka. She advises him on how to handle a Mato mishap before they discover a boy’s sister being cornered by some Shuuki and catch her as she falls off a cliff. They are eventually knocked off themselves, and Kyouka uses a defensive barrier move as a temporary solution.

Reflecting on her unfortunate Peach’s blessing, Kyouka recalls criticism of her weak ability in a flashback. In the present, she reaffirms her determination and questions whether she should test her ability on Yuuki. He agrees but is confused when Kyouka mentions enslaving him.

In episode 1 of Chained Soldier, she explains that if her ability enhances him, then they can definitely escape. Yuuki instinctively licks her finger, causing a collar and several chains to appear around him, similar to the ones around Shuuki Kyouka. Yuuki also transforms into a Shuuki-like monster, with Kyouka’s ability name being revealed as Eternal Chains: Slave.

The Empowering Abilities of Kyoka Bring Yuuki a Renewed Purpose in Chained Soldier Episode 1: Introduction of the Main Cast

Yuuki agrees to become Kyouka's slave in Chained Soldier episode 1 (Image via Seven Arcs)

Yuuki, now in a remarkably powerful state, effortlessly takes on the Shuuki, defeating them one by one. Kyouka then seizes the young girl and climbs onto Yuuki's back, instructing him to fight through the Shuuki so they can make their escape. In response, the remaining Shuuki combine to form a giant creature. However, Yuuki and Kyouka easily handle it once they are close enough to attack.

In episode 1 of Chained Soldier, Kyouka's subordinates are amazed by Yuuki's strength as he unexpectedly reverts back to his human form. Kyouka dismisses the others, explaining that she needs to have a conversation with Yuuki. She reveals his ability to him, declaring that he will remain in Mato as her slave. Kyouka then surprises him with a kiss, explaining that her ability requires her (the master) to reward her slaves each time they complete a task.

As Kyouka attempts to kiss Yuuki once more, he mistakenly dislodges her hat, causing her to appear upset and revealing some antenna-like appendages on her head. She later explains that her body moves involuntarily due to her special ability, and then proceeds to kiss him again. The scene then transitions to the Demon Defense Force headquarters, where Himari and the others are making preparations to send the two young children back home.

The Empowering Abilities of Kyoka Bring Yuuki a Renewed Purpose in Chained Soldier Episode 1: Introduction of the Main Cast

Yuuki's remarkable power solidifies his position as an ally to Kyouka and her companions in Chained Soldier episode 1 (Image via Seven Arcs)

In episode 1 of Chained Soldier, Kyouka explains the danger of Shuuki in the real world and expresses her dream of becoming the Supreme Commander to defeat them. She asks Yuuki to join her in achieving this goal, acknowledging his bravery in protecting a girl. Yuuki shares his desire to become a hero and Kyouka agrees to their partnership. As they stand in the 7th Squad dormitory, Kyouka introduces it as their new workplace, equipped with a powerful barrier.

In review

In episode 1 of Chained Soldier, Himari and the others announce that the children have been returned, leading Kyouka to reveal that Yuuki will now serve as a caretaker. While he will be her subordinate in battle, his role will be that of a caretaker outside of combat. The reactions of Nei, Himaru, and Syusyu are depicted, as Kyouka clarifies that men are not eligible to join the Defense Force. The episode concludes with Yuuki being officially welcomed by his new unit.

Chained Soldier episode 1 provides a fantastic entry point for fans new to the series through its concise and logical introduction of the plot and setting, while also laying the groundwork for future developments and revelations (particularly regarding Yuuki’s sister).

The premiere episode also effectively balances the screen time between the central duo of Kyouka and Yuuki, while also introducing the main cast as a whole. Similarly, the next episode will concentrate on Yuuki's interactions with Himari, Nei, and Syusyu, providing further development for the rest of the main cast to complement the focus on Kyouka in the first episode.

In summation

The first episode of Chained Soldier is a thrilling and captivating introduction to the series, taking place in an alternate Japan linked to a parallel dimension called Mato. While it's too early to assess the series as a whole and its potential after just one episode, it's clear that this flagship series of the Winter 2024 season holds promise based on the initial impression.

Be sure to keep up with all Chained Soldier anime and manga news, as well as general anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2024 progresses.

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z fan, I am thrilled about the release of Chained Soldier episode 1. The animation is top-notch, and the story is intriguing. I appreciate the unique take on the isekai genre, with the main character being transported to an alternate dimension instead of the typical fantasy world. The characters are well-developed and relatable, and I am excited to see how their relationships develop as the series progresses.

The empowering abilities of Kyoka bring Yuuki a renewed purpose in life. Kyoka is a strong and capable woman who is not afraid to use her powers to protect others. She is a role model for young girls, showing them that they can be strong and independent. Yuuki is inspired by Kyoka and decides to use his own abilities to help others. He realizes that he can do more with his life than just live a "normal" adult life. I am excited to see how Yuuki's journey unfolds and how he uses his powers to make a difference in the world.
