The Dark Secrets Behind American Horror Story Season 12 - Will This Be the End?

The Dark Secrets Behind American Horror Story Season 12 - Will This Be the End?

American Horror Story Season 12 resurrects a chilling trend that may jeopardize the show's longevity Brace yourself for the haunting return of pregnancy horror in American Horror Story: Delicate

American Horror Story season 12 is highly anticipated, but it takes a major risk by focusing on a problematic story trend. The show has never been afraid to tackle difficult stories, often blending campy melodrama with violent supernatural horror. In season 2 alone, the plot involved serial killers, possessed nuns, alien abductions, and more. However, even American Horror Story has its limits.

Those limits will be pushed in season 12, which centers around a genre theme that has been criticized recently. American Horror Story: Delicate is the first season adapted from a novel, specifically Danielle Valentine's upcoming book, Delicate Condition. The story follows a stressed-out protagonist who believes everyone in her life is trying to ruin her pregnancy. While it shares similarities with Rosemary's Baby, recent successes and failures in the genre suggest this may not bode well for the show.

AHS Season 12 Revives The Unsuccessful Pregnancy Horror Trend

The Dark Secrets Behind American Horror Story Season 12 - Will This Be the End?

American Horror Story: Delicate appears to be an unabashed horror story centered around pregnancy, based on its source material. However, considering the negative reception of recent pregnancy horror films such as Baby Ruby (2023), False Positive (2021), Visions (2016), Unwelcome (2023), and Bed Rest (2022), it seems that this sub-genre is currently struggling to gain favor with critics. With American Horror Story season 12 taking bold risks by adapting a novel and introducing a new showrunner, delving into a topic that has already received criticism may be seen as a risky move.

Although American Horror Story season 11, NYC, also took a risk by focusing on the AIDS crisis, this was not a subject that had been recently explored in unsuccessful horror movies. On the contrary, pregnancy horror has experienced a revival in the past decade but has failed to impress reviewers during this time. Therefore, American Horror Story: Delicate finds itself in a challenging position, revisiting a familiar theme that may require significant efforts to surprise viewers. Moreover, the theme's lack of popularity with critics makes it a tough sell for American Horror Story: Delicate.

Why American Horror Story: Delicate Could Bring Back Pregnancy Horror

The Dark Secrets Behind American Horror Story Season 12 - Will This Be the End?

The casting for American Horror Story season 12 has raised concerns, but the show's penchant for goofiness could actually be a positive. Snatchers, a pregnancy horror movie from 2019, was well-received due to its outrageous and comedic elements. The campy tone typical of American Horror Story could breathe new life into the sub-genre, addressing the shortcomings of recent poorly-received pregnancy horror films. American Horror Story: Delicate has the potential to restore the critical reputation of this sub-genre, rather than becoming another flop among reviewers.