The Undercurrent of GOP Politics
The invisible, yet threatening, forces must remain invisible. That's how reading and watching much of the coverage of the Iowa caucuses came across. The national political press pointed to an alarming entrance poll showing that an overwhelming majority 66% of GOP caucusgoers do not accept Joe Biden legitimately won the 2020 election. The news media accurately noted that Donald Trump maintains a firm grip over the Republican Party, despite inciting an insurrection and being ensnared in a messy web of legal battles, among other things. However, the crucial coverage of the grave undercurrent in GOP politics that propelled the caucusgoers far outside the Overton window received little-to-no attention.
The failure of the press to interrogate this issue in a real way is alarming. While one might expect the poll to set off alarm bells and deep soul-searching about the fate of the nation's democracy, the press failed to interrogate the issue in a real way. Instead, much of the press continues to watch from the shore, unwilling to sound the alarm about the insidious forces plunging Americans into the stormy seas.
Media's Role in Addressing the Undercurrent
The propaganda machine supporting Trump has deceived the GOP, twisting the party into believing outright lies that have been publicly rebuked by the former president's one-time confidantes. Yet, most major newsrooms demur when presented with repeated evidence of its corrosive and widespread effects. It is imperative for the press to step up and fulfill its duty of delivering paramount importance to audiences, rather than backing down and ignoring the hazardous conditions offshore, which amounts to a dereliction of duty.
The Call for Accountability
The country is at risk of drowning, and the press's unwillingness to acknowledge the treacherous rip tide lurking beneath the surface of the water is a cause for concern. It is imperative for the media to step up and fulfill its duty of delivering paramount importance to audiences, rather than backing down and ignoring the hazardous conditions offshore, which amounts to a dereliction of duty.