The Crucial Hogwarts Legacy Backstory You Can't Afford to Miss

The Crucial Hogwarts Legacy Backstory You Can't Afford to Miss

Hogwarts Legacy's captivating gameplay and immersive world offer a thrilling experience, but a crucial backstory addition could elevate its already intriguing story and characters to unprecedented levels

Hogwarts Legacy faced the daunting task of living up to its predecessor while also establishing its own reputation. Historically, the Harry Potter franchise has not had much success in the gaming realm, but it has thrived in other areas. This led Avalanche Software to take a bold step by creating an original addition to the IP instead of adapting existing material. Fortunately, this daring decision paid off, resulting in a game that stands on its own while also paying homage to its predecessors.

By introducing players to a new protagonist, the game offers fresh opportunities for role-playing and embarking on new stories and adventures. However, this choice comes at a cost. Without an established protagonist, there is limited room for a detailed and captivating backstory. This is a missed opportunity, as the inclusion of such context could have greatly enhanced the overall storyline, similar to how it benefited characters like Harry, Hermione, and Ron.

Hogwarts Legacy's Protagonist is a Blank Slate

The Crucial Hogwarts Legacy Backstory You Can't Afford to Miss

The protagonist of Hogwarts Legacy remains a mystery prior to their time at the school, which has both positives and negatives. On one hand, it allows players to be immediately invested in the story and fully embody the main character. However, from a narrative standpoint, it feels rushed as the context typically found in other Wizarding World properties is missing. While Avalanche Software's focus on capturing players' attention early on is understandable for their first venture into the Wizarding World IP, it's important not to overlook the benefits of a well-developed backstory that explores the character's home life and upbringing in the game.

While it's easy to step into the shoes of the protagonist in Hogwarts Legacy, it's harder to feel fully immersed in their actions or connect with their experiences and emotions when they face danger. As a result, the story suffers, as the player's perspective lacks the depth and attachment found in the film or book characters. Even incorporating a simple backstory creator similar to Mass Effect would have greatly contributed to establishing the protagonist within the game's world. Instead, players are abruptly thrown into a late-19th century England where the narrative quickly ramps up. Providing more insight into the protagonist's parents and the impact they had would have provided narrative justification for their heroic deeds.

Backstory is Big in Harry Potter

The Crucial Hogwarts Legacy Backstory You Can't Afford to Miss

The characters in Harry Potter are well-crafted due to the combination of their actions and their past experiences. Hermione Granger's heroic nature is enhanced by her backstory as a child with Muggle parents, while Professor Snape's tragic life and love for Lily Potter significantly alter the viewer and reader's perception of him.

These narratives are integral to the identity of every professor, student, and even those unfamiliar with the story. Therefore, it feels out of place in Hogwarts Legacy to have a protagonist without a meaningful backstory or influences before attending the school. While Hogwarts Legacy is primarily an RPG, the popularity of Harry Potter in the gaming world means it will attract a new audience. However, the lack of an elaborate backstory contradicts what fans know of the franchise, ultimately diminishing the immersion of the game.

Hogwarts Legacy is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S, with a Switch release scheduled for November 14, 2023.
