The Controversy Surrounding Metroid Dread's Online 2D Gameplay

The Controversy Surrounding Metroid Dread's Online 2D Gameplay

Metroid Dread ignites a heated online debate among gamers after its reveal at Summer Game Fest Some argue that 2D games like Dread are worth the investment, while others remain skeptical Only time will tell if the highly anticipated Metroid title lives up to its hype

The absence of the Metroid franchise at Summer Game Fest has not stopped Metroid Dread from being inadvertently dragged into a debate it does not necessarily belong in. The discussion centers around whether 2D games should come with full price tags, which has been fueled by the recent reveal of two upcoming games at the event: Sonic Superstars and Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown. While Metroid Dread is an exceptional 2D game that justifies its full price tag with its entertaining gameplay, innovative mechanics, and revival of a dormant franchise, it is important to note that it is a Nintendo Switch exclusive that was released in 2021, unlike the two multiplatform titles in question. Moreover, it is worth considering that the definition of a "full-priced game" has evolved over the past few years, which makes Metroid Dread's inclusion in this debate somewhat puzzling.

2D Games Are Worth the Cost