The Briefest Reigns on the Iron Throne: Unveiling Game of Thrones' Record Holders

Discover the shortest reigns on the Iron Throne, from the tumultuous rule of Aenys I for five years to the tragic assassination of Daenerys Targaryen after seizing power in 305 AC Delve into the intriguing tales of these fleeting rulers in Game of Thrones
Aegon's conquest of Westeros is a pivotal event in the history of the continent and may serve as the inspiration for another Game of Thrones prequel. Prior to Aegon's arrival, Westeros was divided into six kingdoms and one principality. Aegon the Conqueror, along with his two sister-wives and their three dragons, landed at the mouth of Blackwater Rush. Through his conquest, Aegon established the ruling Targaryen dynasty and became the first king to sit on the Iron Throne. However, due to Aegon's polygamous marriages to his sisters, a major family rift occurred when Maegor seized the throne from his half-brother Aenys's children.
Aegon had two sons, one from each sister-wife. Although Aenys, the eldest son from Rhaenys, was the rightful heir to the throne, it was Maegor, the youngest son from Visenya, who became the third king to sit on the Iron Throne. From Maegor I to the last Targaryen king, Aerys II, also known as the Mad King, the history of the Seven Kingdoms was marked by conspiracies, conflicts, and notably, the war of succession, which is the central focus of HBO's ongoing Game of Thrones prequel. After the reign of Viserys I, the realm experienced a tumultuous period. His son from Alicent Hightower usurped the throne from his half-sister Rhaenyra, leading to the civil war known as the Dance of the Dragons. Eventually, the Targaryens were overthrown in Robert's Rebellion, and House Baratheon claimed the throne. Subsequently, the Seven Kingdoms were engulfed in the War of the Five Kings, further adding to the realm's bloody history. As a result, numerous monarchs in Westeros hold the record for the shortest reigns on the Iron Throne.
Aenys I - Five Years
Aenys, the heir of King Aegon I Targaryen, passed away from a stroke while he was in Highgarden in 37 AC. In order to attend his father's funeral, he rode Quicksilver and flew to Dragonstone. Aenys was hailed as king and he bestowed the sword Blackfyre upon his half-brother, entrusting him to serve him with it.
Although there are conflicting accounts regarding his coronation, Aenys became the second Targaryen king to sit on the Iron Throne. However, his reign came to an end when the Faith Militant opposed his imprudent decision to marry his eldest daughter, Princess Rhaena, to his son, Prince Aegon. The Faith condemned this union and expelled Septon Murmison for officiating it. When the Faith could no longer ignore what they deemed as a heinous sin, a rebellion ensued. Aenys sought refuge in Dragonstone and passed away in 42 AC, after ruling for a mere five years. Unlike his father, he lacked decisiveness and martial prowess. His diplomatic skills were insufficient to negotiate Targaryen marriages with the Faith and he failed to suppress the uprising of the Faith Militant.
Rhaenyra Targaryen - The Half-Year Queen
Rhaenyra Targaryen, the firstborn daughter and heir of Viserys, was crowned on Dragonstone by her husband and uncle, Daemon Targaryen, in the tenth episode of House of the Dragon season 1, titled "The Black Queen." This event marked the beginning of hostilities and the onset of a brutal civil war in the realm. The first victim of this conflict was Rhaenyra's son, Lucerys Velaryon. In 130 AC, King's Landing, which was defenseless, fell to Rhaenyra when Aemond Targaryen and Criston Cole of the Greens advanced towards Harrenhal. During the fall of the city, Daemon and Rhaenyra flew over the capital, while Corlys Velaryon's fleet, known as the Sea Snake, arrived to the east of Blackwater Bay. The city was captured in less than a day, and Alicent Hightower was compelled to surrender.
While Aegon II managed to escape, his grandfather, Otto Hightower, was executed. Alicent Hightower and Helaena were taken as prisoners, and Alicent proposed dividing the Seven Kingdoms between the two factions, but Rhaenyra rejected this suggestion. More executions followed, fueling Rhaenyra's growing paranoia. After her half-sister, Helaena, died by suicide, the common people revolted against her. Rhaenyra fled King's Landing and was eventually betrayed by Ser Alfred Broome once she reached Dragonstone. In the end, Aegon II fed her to his dragon, Sunfyre, at Dragonstone. Rhaenyra gained infamy as "the Half-Year Queen" and "Maegor with teats" due to her cruelty.
Aegon II - Two Years
Aegon II was installed on the Iron Throne by the Greens after the death of Viserys I Targaryen. In episode 9 of HBO's House of the Dragon, titled "The Green Council," his ascension to the crown is depicted, with the masses witnessing his anointment at the Dragonpit. Ser Criston Cole placed the crown of the Conqueror on his head during the ceremony. However, his rule was challenged by his elder half-sister, Rhaenyra, who sought revenge for him taking her throne. This conflict marked the beginning of the infamous civil war known as the Dance of the Dragons.
In the course of the Dance, both Aegon and Rhaenyra meet their demise, with Rhaenyra being the first to fall. Aegon is later discovered dead in his litter, allegedly poisoned by Lord Velaryon, Larys Strong, and Perkin the Flea. Unlike his father, Viserys I, and the wise king before him, Jaehaerys the Wise, Aegon lacked the qualities necessary to effectively rule. Throughout his reign, he constantly battled against the Blacks in the prolonged civil war.
Viserys II - One Year
Viserys II, the tenth Targaryen king to occupy the Iron Throne, had a brief reign that lasted only a year. He ascended to the crown following the death of his nephew, Baelor I Targaryen. During his short time as king, Viserys II implemented various reforms and initiatives to strengthen the realm. Notably, he established a new royal mint and worked towards enhancing trade across the narrow sea. Many regarded him as a wise and astute ruler, likening him to the revered Old King Jaehaerys. However, his reign was abruptly cut short by a sudden illness. Unfortunately, history has not been kind to Viserys II, as he is accused of poisoning Baelor in order to seize the throne.
Tommen Baratheon - Three Years
Tommen Baratheon ascended to the Iron Throne following the demise of his brother, Joffrey, who succumbed to poisoning during his own nuptial celebration orchestrated by Olenna Tyrell, commonly known as the Queen of Thorns. While Joffrey's reign was marked by an abuse of authority, Tommen proved to be an ineffectual ruler, lacking in experience and easily influenced by his cunning wife, Margaery Tyrell.
Tommen's reign was marred by the conflict between the Faith and the Crown, which was instigated by his mother, Cersei Lannister. In an attempt to remove the Tyrells from power, Cersei allowed the Faith to re-establish the Faith Militant. However, this decision backfired as the Faith eventually turned against Cersei. In order to appease the High Sparrow, Tommen declared the union of the Crown and the Faith. Just as the trials of Cersei and Ser Loras were about to commence at the Great Sept of Baelor, Cersei, who was absent from the proceedings, orchestrated the destruction of the holy site using wildfire. This ruthless act not only eliminated all of her enemies but also drove Tommen to the point of despair, leading him to take his own life by jumping from a window.
Few characters in the Game of Thrones universe have an arc as tragic as that of Daenerys Targaryen. The Mad King's daughter, Daenerys, endured a lifetime of hardships away from home. However, she defied the odds by hatching three living dragons, amassing armies, an armada, conquering cities, acquiring advisers, and even gaining the loyalty of the Dothraki. Ultimately, in Game of Thrones season 6, episode 10, "The Winds of Winter," she made her triumphant return home.
Daenerys' quest for Westeros did not unfold as smoothly as she had anticipated. Despite her relentless sacrifices, she ultimately succumbed to the Targaryen madness. Fueled by the sound of surrender bells, she mercilessly razed King's Landing to ashes. In her victorious address, she proclaimed her intention to "liberate" additional territories, but her nephew/lover, Jon, saw her as beyond redemption and tragically ended her reign by plunging a dagger into her heart. Daenerys' rule was cut short before it even began, forever branding her as the infamous Mad Queen in the Game of Thrones universe.