The Big Bang Theory's Missed Opportunity: Young Sheldon Could Have Found Its Perfect Paige

The Big Bang Theory's Missed Opportunity: Young Sheldon Could Have Found Its Perfect Paige

Discover the untold connection between Young Sheldon and The Big Bang Theory! Unveiling the missing link, this article explores the forgotten character Paige, who holds the key to Sheldon's past Don't miss out on how Paige's role could shape the future of Young Sheldon!


Young Sheldon's Paige has emerged as a captivating character, maintaining a consistent presence in the show's narrative. Surprisingly, she never received a mention in The Big Bang Theory. However, her counterpart in that series was Leslie Winkle.

Paige's presence in the prequel challenges the notion that child prodigies are uncommon in Texas, and her narrative acts as a warning for Sheldon. The fact that Sheldon never mentioned Paige in The Big Bang Theory, despite her significant influence on his life, remains an enigma.

In The Big Bang Theory, Young Sheldon's Paige was introduced but ultimately underutilized. Young Sheldon, which premiered on CBS in 2017, delves into Sheldon's backstory and explains some of his quirks from The Big Bang Theory, such as the origins of "Bazinga!" and Mary's "Soft Kitty" lullaby. However, Young Sheldon also expands its storytelling beyond what was revealed in The Big Bang Theory. One aspect of this expansion is the introduction of Paige Swanson, a fellow child prodigy whom Sheldon meets in Dr. Sturgis' advanced class.

Since their initial meeting, Paige has been incorporated into the storytelling of The Big Bang Theory prequel. Each year, she makes an appearance to update fans on her progress, although her sporadic use is due to her and Sheldon attending different schools. Despite this, featuring Paige consistently has allowed the show to develop her character and provide her with a compelling story arc. In season 6 of Young Sheldon, Paige's narrative experiences significant development as she appears multiple times throughout the year. Unfortunately, her potential is hindered by her parents' divorce, which derails her path.

Big Bang Theory Never Mentioned Paige Despite Her Young Sheldon Importance

The Big Bang Theory's Missed Opportunity: Young Sheldon Could Have Found Its Perfect Paige

Despite her increased significance in Young Sheldon, Paige never made an appearance or was mentioned in The Big Bang Theory. This remains one of the franchise's biggest mysteries, given how her introduction greatly impacted Sheldon. In the prequel, her arrival diminishes Sheldon's uniqueness as a child prodigy, which is a crucial aspect of the show's premise. Sheldon often shares socially awkward anecdotes about his childhood in Texas, implying that he never quite fit in despite being born and raised there. This is attributed to his genius, but Paige's existence challenges the notion that child prodigies are rare in Texas.

Furthermore, Paige's subsequent storyline in Young Sheldon has had a profound impact on Sheldon. Beyond being a formidable competitor, Paige's tale serves as a cautionary example for the boy genius. Struggling without the support of her parents and a solid group of friends, Paige spirals down a dark path. She has been in a rebellious phase for some time now, deliberately placing herself in danger. Paige's influence on Missy, particularly their daring road trip to Florida, further underscores the character's importance in Young Sheldon's narrative. This only heightens the intrigue surrounding why Sheldon never mentioned her in The Big Bang Theory.

Young Sheldon’s Paige Is Reminiscent Of Big Bang Theory’s Leslie Winkle

The Big Bang Theory's Missed Opportunity: Young Sheldon Could Have Found Its Perfect Paige

Narratively, the reason for Sheldon never mentioning Paige in The Big Bang Theory remains uncertain. It is possible that CBS may provide an explanation in the future, but in reality, Paige did not exist for most of the show's duration. When Paige was introduced in Young Sheldon season 2, The Big Bang Theory was focused on its final season, season 12. However, it is worth noting that a character similar to Paige existed before Sheldon's child prodigy debut, in the form of Leslie Winkle.

Although not technically a part of the Pasadena group, Sara Gilbert's character had a significant presence in the first season. She worked with the boys at Caltech and even had an affair with Leonard. While Sheldon was initially attracted to Penny, Leslie was a better match for him. However, Sheldon developed a dislike for Leslie because she was as intelligent as him and held him accountable for his actions. In contrast to Penny, Leslie did not hold back in her criticisms, much like how Paige routinely does in Young Sheldon before going through her rebellious phase.

Why Leslie Winkle Was Written Out Of Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory's Missed Opportunity: Young Sheldon Could Have Found Its Perfect Paige

Leslie was expected to become an official member of the Pasadena gang in The Big Bang Theory. However, despite being promoted as a main player in the second season, her appearances became less frequent. After her breakup with Leonard, she briefly had a fling with Howard, which quickly ended. In season 3, there was a potential romance with Leonard, but it didn't develop further, leading to her disappearance. Leslie didn't reappear until season 9 during Sheldon's surprise birthday party, and after that, she was never mentioned or seen again.

In Jessica Radloff's 2022 book, The Big Bang Theory: The Definitive Inside Story Of The Epic Hit Series, the reason for Leslie's disappearance is finally explained. It was revealed that the decision to write out Gilbert's character was made to give more focus to Leonard's relationship with Penny, which was gaining popularity among fans. Since fans were supporting the main romantic pairing of the show, it became challenging to establish Leslie's love story with Leonard. Instead of finding an alternative storyline for the character, the show chose to remove her completely.

How Paige Can Be Integral To Young Sheldon Beyond Sheldon

The Big Bang Theory's Missed Opportunity: Young Sheldon Could Have Found Its Perfect Paige

Paige has become a crucial part of Young Sheldon, outshining Missy in terms of personal storyline in The Big Bang Theory prequel. This raises questions about Paige's increased involvement, especially since Warner Bros. Television and Chuck Lorre Prods. are in the process of developing a new spin-off for The Big Bang Theory. It's possible that Paige could be the main character in this spin-off, considering Young Sheldon's efforts to develop her character and make her relatable to viewers.

Alternatively, Paige could take on a larger role in the future of The Big Bang Theory prequel. There are rumors that Young Sheldon may end after its seventh season due to the franchise's timeline. However, given its high ratings, it's unlikely that CBS will abruptly end the series. Instead, the network could rebrand the show as a true ensemble, with Sheldon's siblings taking the lead. This would provide an opportunity for Paige to continue appearing in the project as Missy's friend. Perhaps Paige could even be responsible for Missy never realizing her full potential as the only Cooper daughter.