The Beauty Secrets of Lindsay Arnold: Nurturing Her Smile and Skin for Inner Radiance (Exclusive)

The Beauty Secrets of Lindsay Arnold: Nurturing Her Smile and Skin for Inner Radiance (Exclusive)

Discover Lindsay Arnold's exclusive insights on maintaining a radiant smile, skincare rituals, and personal journey after embracing Invisalign for her smile transformation. Unveil the beauty secrets that reflect her belief that true beauty emanates from within.

How Lindsay Arnold Maintains Her Smile and Takes Care of Her Skin

How Lindsay Arnold Maintains Her Smile and Takes Care of Her Skin

Courtesy of Lindsay Arnold/Instagram

Lindsay Arnold loves to show off her smile, calling it her "favorite accessory."

She recently spoke to We exclusively about working with Invisalign to perfect her smile, sharing her beauty tips, skincare routine now that she's in her 30s, and much more.

Arnold gushed to Us, expressing how improving her smile has boosted her confidence. It took her just over 12 months to complete her journey. She emphasized that our smile is often the first thing people notice, despite our focus on other aspects of beauty. Since undergoing her Invisalign treatment, she now considers her smile her favorite accessory.

The Dancing With the Stars pro, besides taking care of her teeth, has also changed her beauty routine over the years. She used to wear full glam and eyelashes to dance competitions as a young girl, believing that was the epitome of beauty. However, becoming a mom has shifted her perspective. She now believes that true beauty comes from within.

Arnold, who has two daughters, Sage (3) and June (10 months), with her husband Sam Cusick, revealed that she believes in staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water and getting some sunshine daily. She shared with Us that this simple routine is her top beauty tip because it not only makes her feel happier but also enhances her outer beauty.

How Lindsay Arnold Maintains Her Smile and Takes Care of Her Skin 2

How Lindsay Arnold Maintains Her Smile and Takes Care of Her Skin 2

Arnold intends to pass on the same belief to her children. She wants them to understand that true beauty comes from within and is based on how they feel about themselves. Arnold's goal is to boost their confidence and make them aware that they are already perfect just as they are, and that they are beautiful in their own skin.

When she's not enjoying the sun, Arnold takes care of her skin using products from SkinBetter, Merit, and Typology. She believes in the mantra 'Less is more' when it comes to skincare and makeup. Arnold admits she didn't always prioritize skin care in the past but now follows a consistent routine every day. She especially loves Typology's Tinted Serum for a soft glam look.

After celebrating her 30th birthday in January, Arnold focuses on preventive skincare more than ever. She regularly gets facials, exercises, and has added a morning routine of sauna and cold plunges. Relaxing in a sauna and taking a dip in icy water can help improve circulation, reduce stress, and enhance skin health.

“Staying healthy and doing things that feel good to my body every single day is so important,” she told Us. “When I feel good, I feel confident.”

Editor's P/S:

Lindsay Arnold's journey to a confident smile and healthy lifestyle is inspiring. Her emphasis on inner beauty and self-acceptance is a valuable message for all, especially young girls who may be struggling with body image issues. It's refreshing to see a public figure promoting a holistic approach to beauty that encompasses both physical and mental well-being.

Arnold's skincare routine emphasizes hydration and simplicity, which is a reminder that even small changes can make a significant difference in our appearance. Her focus on preventive skincare and self-care practices like facials, exercise, and sauna/cold plunges is also commendable. By prioritizing her health and well-being, she sets a positive example for others and demonstrates that true beauty is more than just external appearance.