Released on November 5, 2023, episode 5 of The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse continues the storyline from episode 4, delving into the history of Echo Gorge and its inhabitants. In episode 4, it was revealed that Nasiens, who was accused of poisoning the gorge, was actually innocent, as the true culprit was a corrupted Ordo.
Episode 5 of Four Knights of the Apocalypse sheds more light on the challenges faced by Percival and his companions. The Echo Gorge saga reaches an exciting climax in episode 5, as they engage in a thrilling battle against the formidable Amber Knight, Talisker.
Four Knights of the Apocalypse episode 5: The true villain behind Echo Gorge revealed
Talisker revealed
In episode 5 of Four Knights of the Apocalypse, a remarkable image obtained from Our Website, it becomes evident that the fairy manipulating Ordo is a sham when an arrow precisely hits it, originating from an unidentified source. At this juncture, the actual culprit behind this deception is disclosed: Talisker, known as the Amber Knight. This Holy Knight, being devoid of empathy, unveils his sadistic nature and possesses exceptional skills in manipulating the weather.
Nasiens attempted to confront the challenge alone as Percival's magic was ineffective, resulting in him being severely battered by a hailstorm. Fortunately, Percival was swift enough to save Nasiens on three separate occasions: once from a hailstorm with hail as large as boulders, twice by blocking an attack from the formidable Ordo, and then again by punching a second approaching hailstorm.
Even before Percival's magic awakened, he managed to nullify a second Hail Impact attack using only his fists and physical strength. This highlights in episode 5 of Four Knights of the Apocalypse what previous episodes have already demonstrated: that Percival surpasses expectations despite his small physique.
Percival's magic awakens
In episode 5 of Four Knights of the Apocalypse, Percival's magical abilities resurface as he bravely faces the aftermath of the hailstorm. Encouraged by the belief of his comrades, the Nasiens, he channels his powers to consume another Hail Impact and counterattack Talisker. Determined to emerge victorious, Percival declares his intention to defeat Talisker not once, but twice. Firstly, by delivering a blow that forces him to reveal the truth, and secondly, by overpowering him to restore Ordo to its original state.
Percival demonstrates his prowess by expertly blocking Talisker's physical assaults and launching a powerful magical hand to knock him down. As the confrontation unfolds, Talisker discloses his motive for corrupting Ordo. He explains that King Arthur instructed him to "purify" the land, allowing only humans to thrive in peace while eliminating potential threats from other races. However, Ordo's ambition was to harness the power of Echo Gorge in order to provide medicinal aid to all of Britannia.
Healing Ordo, a new mission and a new companion
Talisker initially instructed Ordo to cease assisting the inhabitants of Echo Gorge, proclaiming that his actions were tantamount to committing a grave transgression. However, Ordo adamantly refused, ultimately succumbing to corruption and transforming into a colossal monster. This malevolent being proceeded to contaminate the land and forcibly expel other races, all under the ominous threat of Talisker executing the same brutal act. Percival emerged victorious in his encounter with The Amber Knight, employing a magically manifested sword construct to defeat him and simultaneously causing a substantial portion of the mountain to crumble.
Episode 5 of Four Knights of the Apocalypse brings a delightful surprise as a new friend is gained and Ordo's ailment is cured. In a stunning revelation, Dolores is shown to have survived the poison attack by transforming her skin into a metallic form using her extraordinary abilities. Sin, on the other hand, manages to locate the staff responsible for Ordo's transformation into a colossal creature and successfully destroys it. This act restores Ordo to his normal state, leading to a heartwarming reunion between Dolores, Nasiens, and their beloved adoptive grandfather.
The staff possessed the name of "Chaos Staff," symbolizing its control over chaos itself. Percival reevaluates his mission, deciding to not only locate his father, but also to halt King Arthur and uncover Camelot. However, before they can embark on their journey and before Sin can claim victory in the hunting competition, Nasiens races to join them on their quest.
Nasiens, Ordo, and Dolores bid each other farewell, with Ordo pledging to study Nasiens' concoction in order to enrich the forest for everyone, and Dolores assuring Nasiens that he will always be welcome in Echo Gorge. Despite referring to Percival as his initial test subject, Nasiens' exuberant smile and the parting words of Ordo and Dolores make it evident that he considers Percival his first true friend.
Final Thoughts
In episode 5 of Four Knights of the Apocalypse, the Echo Gorge saga comes to an end. The true villain is finally unveiled and defeated within the same episode, marking a significant improvement compared to the previous encounters with the Holy Knights. Additionally, the group successfully recruits a new member and manages to save a crucial location before embarking on their journey to Liones.
The animation in this episode deserves praise, particularly the striking visual effects used for Talisker and Nasien's attacks. Despite initially appearing as a somewhat one-dimensional character, Talisker proves to be a valuable benchmark, especially considering how the last two knights effortlessly defeated Percival.
Breaking the episode into two halves proved advantageous as it effectively divided the fight from the epilogue, ensuring a smooth progression without unnecessarily prolonging the battle. Just a friendly reminder to all Seven Deadly Sins fans, episode 6 of Four Knights of the Apocalypse will now premiere on November 19th.
Editor's P/S
In episode 5 of The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse, the highly anticipated battle between Percival and the Amber Knight, Talisker, takes center stage. This episode delivers an exhilarating showdown that lives up to the hype, showcasing Percival's unwavering determination and the revelation of a shocking truth.
As a fan of the series, I was captivated by the intense fight sequence between Percival and Talisker. The animation is top-notch, with fluid movements and dynamic camera angles that enhance the impact of each blow. Percival's resourcefulness and strategic thinking are on full display as he finds creative ways to counter Talisker's powerful weather-based attacks. The moment when Percival nullifies Talisker's second Hail Impact attack with his bare hands is particularly thrilling, showcasing his incredible strength and resilience.