The Alluring Mystique of Southeast Asian Ghostlore

The Alluring Mystique of Southeast Asian Ghostlore

Game Rant interviews Ghostlore creator Andrew Teo on the art of balancing gameplay and mood-setting in Southeast Asian ARPGs, exploring the complexities of early access development

Ghostlore, an action role-playing game (ARPG) featuring a Southeast Asian atmosphere, has recently launched on Steam and Xbox Game Pass following constructive feedback from players during the early access phase. Drawing inspiration from classic titles such as Diablo 2 and Titan Quest, the indie game faces tough competition from the likes of the upcoming Diablo 4. Despite its simple, low-fi pixel graphics reminiscent of the early PS1 and late SNES era, Ghostlore boasts unique gameplay mechanics that set it apart from other titles in the genre. Game Rant recently interviewed Andrew Teo, the creator of Ghostlore, to discuss the game's distinctive Singapore-inspired setting and enemies. In contrast to the typical medieval Europe or far-flung fantasy or sci-fi worlds, Ghostlore's unique environment offers a refreshing take on the genre. Furthermore, the game features a character-building system, a skill-building grid, and a glyph system for developing character stats that offer a unique and engaging gameplay experience for avid ARPG fans.

Ghostlore's Crucial Question

The Alluring Mystique of Southeast Asian Ghostlore

Teo was faced with a crucial development question from his friends and beta-testers during the early stages of Ghostlore's creation. They asked, "Why would I play this game when I can already play Diablo?" This thought-provoking question stayed with Teo and ultimately altered the course of the project. He realized the importance of creating something truly distinct and unique.

Teo's approach to capturing the essence of the ARPG genre in Ghostlore was to prioritize character choice and building unique and powerful characters, rather than replicating specific mechanics from spiritual predecessors. As a result, the game's character-building system is impressive and offers a wide variety of mechanical options.

In contrast to Diablo 4's five distinct classes, Ghostlore offers six classes that can be combined in various ways to create entirely new abilities with their own mechanics. This system of synergy allows for each class to feel distinct and expressive, offering players a truly unique gaming experience. Playing with just one class may feel familiar, but unlocking a second class at level 15 opens up a world of possibilities for players to explore.

Prioritizing Fun Over Balance

The Alluring Mystique of Southeast Asian Ghostlore

In competitive games, the success lies in the equilibrium of characters, classes, weapons, and abilities. However, Diablo 4's balance patches serve as a noteworthy example of how to achieve this. Balancing each class not only ensures enjoyment but also fairness in competition, a crucial factor for Activision Blizzard. Nonetheless, when playing solely against AI and local co-op is the only form of gameplay, Teo believes that the top priority should be the player's sense of satisfaction:

"When there is one dominant build, it becomes problematic. On the other hand, as long as there are multiple builds and players can showcase their ingenuity while also having fun, balance is not a major concern."

In Ghostlore, players gain access to a wide range of abilities and skills when they choose a class, including core skills that can be assigned to button presses and passive skill points that can be added to a grid. With the ability to mix and match between three different class options, players can create unique and powerful builds that are viable for completing the game. There is no one "correct answer" for optimizing a character, as each combination of skills and active abilities offers its own advantages. While the game can be challenging at times, with overwhelming mobs or tough bosses, Teo believes that the decision-making involved in creating a good build allows players to tune out during combat and enjoy a meditative yet empowering experience. Compared to Diablo 4, Ghostlore offers a more accessible and enjoyable gameplay experience.

Layering In Complexity

The Alluring Mystique of Southeast Asian Ghostlore

Players in early access were constantly demanding more complexity, much to Teo's surprise. The skill system initially lacked combination skills, but their addition has made the game much deeper and more robust. In addition to class choices, players also have a grid of equipable glyphs that function similarly to Last Epoch's altar system, requiring puzzle-like placement to optimize bonuses. Additionally, the game's gear offers significant bonuses that can radically alter players' approaches to fights, and the food system provides further bonuses to fine-tune builds, adding to the game's unique charms. It would be a disservice to dismiss Ghostlore as a mere Southeast Asian Diablo, and even ARPG veterans should make a point to explore it, especially in light of Diablo 4's recent release.

Ghostlore is available now on PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.