The Age of Aragorn: Exploring the Longevity of the King of Gondor
Aragorn, the future king of Gondor, has captured the imagination of viewers with his enigmatic age and royal heritage. In this article, we delve into the intriguing longevity of Aragorn, shedding light on his age and the significance of his D\u00fanedain heritage.
Aragorn's Longevity: A Closer Look
The Lord of the Rings trilogy has left many viewers pondering the true age of Aragorn, the future king of Gondor. While it's evident that Viggo Mortensen's portrayal of Aragorn portrays a man who appears younger than his actual age, the movies also emphasize that he is not blessed with the eternal life enjoyed by Elves. The mortality of Aragorn is highlighted by Elrond in The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, where he reminds Arwen that, being an Elf, she will outlive Aragorn, a mere Man. This raises the question: how old is Aragorn during The Lord of the Rings?
arwen and aragorn in the forest lord of the rings (1)
In the world of J.R.R. Tolkien, immortality is not uncommon, with various creatures living for thousands of years. However, Aragorn is not as ancient as some of the beings in Middle-earth. His age far surpasses that of the average human, hinting at a unique longevity. With the presence of immortal beings such as Elves, Istari like Gandalf, and species like Dwarves and Hobbits who enjoy extended lifespans, the curiosity surrounding Aragorn's age and aging process is understandable.
Aragorn, Legolas, and other brave soldiers brave the harsh winds on foot and horseback as they prepare for battle in The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
So, how old is Aragorn in The Lord of the Rings? The answer lies in his D\u00fanedain heritage, which grants him a significantly extended lifespan. Aragorn himself confirms this in the extended version of The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, revealing that he is 87 years old. This longevity is attributed to the royal blood of the D\u00fanedain, allowing them to live thrice as long as normal Men. This unique heritage sets Aragorn apart, offering a glimpse into the fascinating world of Middle-earth and its diverse inhabitants.
Aragorn looks off to his right side on horseback while scanning the battlefield in front of his soldiers in The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Aragorn's Remarkable Journey
Aragorn's age of 87 in The Lord of the Rings signifies his extraordinary heritage as a member of the D\u00fanedain. This royal lineage bestows upon him a life that far exceeds the norm for Men, allowing him to partake in countless adventures across Middle-earth. His experiences with the Rangers of the North, involvement in large-scale battles, and extensive travels depict a life rich in valor and exploration even before the commencement of The Lord of the Rings story.
Aragorn looks concerned listening to bad news while his soldiers anxiously await their next order in the background in The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Following the events of The Return of the King, Aragorn's story takes a momentous turn. He emerges victorious, defeating Sauron and bringing about the fall of Mordor. Subsequently, he marries Arwen and ascends to the throne as the High King of Arnor and Gondor. Under his reign, he establishes the Reunited Kingdom, solidifying his place as a powerful figure in the northwest region of Middle-earth. Aragorn's life as a king, accompanied by his union with Arwen and the birth of his children, paints a picture of fulfillment and prosperity, all made possible by his remarkable longevity.
While seated on his horse, Aragorn glares at one of his subordinates upon hearing distressing news in The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Aragorn's Age in Context: The Hobbit Connection
While Aragorn's age in The Lord of the Rings is a topic of fascination, it also prompts an intriguing exploration of his early years. The events of The Hobbit, occurring several decades prior to The Lord of the Rings, shed light on Aragorn's childhood. At the time of Gandalf's encounter with Bilbo and the subsequent quest to reclaim Erebor, Aragorn is merely 10 years old, a time when he was under the care of Elrond in Rivendell. This connection to The Hobbit not only underscores the expansive timeline of Middle-earth but also offers a glimpse into Aragorn's formative years, laying the foundation for his future role as the charismatic king of Gondor.
Aragorn as the rightful ruler of the Kingdoms of Gondor and Arnor in LOTR III