The Absence of a Fan Favorite Feature: A Curious Omission in Cities Skylines 2

The Absence of a Fan Favorite Feature: A Curious Omission in Cities Skylines 2

Cities: Skylines 2, renowned for its player freedom, disappoints fans by omitting a beloved creative tool from the original game The absence of props, which added immense depth and customization, leaves players yearning for a dedicated prop tool in the sequel

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The simulation in Cities: Skylines 2 is taking an exciting new direction with its expansion. However, it's important to note that certain beloved features, such as the park area tool and props, were not initially included in the launch.

The inclusion of props in Cities: Skylines offered players the ability to personalize their cities with elements such as fountains, benches, food stalls, and more, granting them extensive artistic freedom.

Although the prop tool is not currently accessible in Cities: Skylines 2, it is highly recommended that it be incorporated into the game in the future, given its widespread popularity and cherished status in the original version.

Cities: Skylines has offered players the freedom to envision and construct their ideal city since its inception. This stands in stark contrast to SimCity's 2013 version, which imposed significant limitations on players and resulted in its lackluster performance, allowing Cities: Skylines to emerge as the preferred alternative. Now, with the release of Cities: Skylines 2, the game expands upon the solid foundation of its predecessor by introducing new and exciting simulation features. However, this expansion seems to come at the expense of some beloved features from the original game.

Unfortunately, both the park area tool and the props feature have not been included in the initial release of Cities: Skylines 2. It is possible that Colossal Order, the game's developer, intends to reintroduce these features through future updates. Currently, players are unable to access these features without modifying the game's settings, a decision that is puzzling considering the popularity of these mechanics throughout the tenure of Cities: Skylines. The inclusion of these features provided players with immense creative freedom, a quality greatly valued by any avid City Builder fan.

Cities: Skylines' Props Were a Fantastic Addition

Cities: Skylines offered players the unprecedented ability to construct their very own unique city, while also providing them with the necessary tools to meticulously customize every minute aspect to their liking. In addition to the expected city-building mechanics cherished by genre enthusiasts, the studio incorporated a couple of tools that truly elevated that sense of freedom. Specifically, players were empowered to adorn their cities with an array of props, allowing them the autonomy to fill vacant spaces with their desired elements.

Cities: Skylines boasted an extensive selection of props, continuously expanded through the game's post-launch content updates. This innovative system enabled players to strategically place fountains, benches, flowerbeds, food stalls, and even trash cans throughout their urban landscapes. Furthermore, players could seamlessly incorporate natural elements, such as rock formations, into their city designs. Notably, the game even provided the opportunity for personalization, allowing players to craft their own props using the in-game asset editor.

The props provided players with an immense level of freedom in Cities: Skylines, allowing them to customize every minute aspect of their city according to their imagination. This attention to detail was greatly appreciated by players, who developed numerous mods to further enhance this feature. Surprisingly, this level of popularity has yet to be incorporated into Cities: Skylines 2.

Cities: Skylines 2 Needs Its Own Prop Tool

Currently, Cities: Skylines 2 lacks a similar tool. Certain players have uncovered aspects of it within the game files, and a few have even discovered a way to access it by starting the game in developer mode. However, this method is not consistently effective, and players should not be required to go through these additional steps. Ideally, the props should already be included in the base game, especially considering how popular they were in the original version.

Right now, Cities: Skylines 2 is currently experiencing numerous performance and technical issues that require attention before the studio can shift its focus to implementing new features. However, once these issues are resolved, it is crucial for the game to officially reintroduce the prop tool. The ability to add intricate details to a city in Cities: Skylines was a delightful aspect of gameplay, and therefore, it is imperative for this feature to make a comeback. The reinstatement of the prop tool would not only be highly appreciated by players, but it would also present Cities: Skylines 2 with an opportunity to elevate the prop feature to new heights.

The Absence of a Fan Favorite Feature: A Curious Omission in Cities Skylines 2

Cities: Skylines 2

Cities: Skylines 2, developed by Colossal Order and published by Paradox Interactive, takes the successful formula of its predecessor from 2015 and enhances it further. Focusing on realism, this city-building simulation game offers a robust economic system and a dynamic world that evolves according to player decisions and imaginative designs.

Platform(s): PC, PS5, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S

Release Date: October 24, 2023

Developer: Colossal Order

Publisher: Paradox Interactive

Genre: City Builder

Editor's P/S

As a passionate fan of Cities: Skylines, I'm deeply disappointed by the absence of the prop feature in the sequel. Props were a beloved creative tool that allowed players to personalize their cities with an array of objects, from fountains and benches to food stalls and trash cans. This feature granted us extensive artistic freedom and made our cities feel truly unique.

The absence of props in Cities: Skylines 2 is a curious omission, as it was one of the most popular features in the original game. It's possible that Colossal Order plans to add props in a future update, but for now, their absence is a major letdown. I hope that the developers will reconsider and add props back into the game as soon as possible.