Taye Diggs Shares His Sister's Schizophrenia Journey: A Source of Inspiration

Taye Diggs Shares His Sister's Schizophrenia Journey: A Source of Inspiration

Discover how Taye Diggs found inspiration and valuable lessons through his sister's schizophrenia diagnosis. Explore the emotional journey and resilience of Christian Diggs, as shared by her brother, Taye Diggs.

Taye Diggs recently shared about his family's journey with schizophrenia after his younger sister, Christian Diggs, received the diagnosis.

In an exclusive interview with We on Tuesday, May 21, Taye, 53, expressed his admiration for his sister, calling her an inspiration. He mentioned how she has bravely faced her schizophrenia diagnosis at the age of 28, becoming a hero in the family. Taye shared that her strength and resilience are truly inspiring to him.

When Taye first found out about his sibling’s diagnosis, he felt a mix of emotions. He was relieved to know that Christian, who is now 48, had finally received answers to her symptoms.

However, Taye also confessed that he didn't know much about the illness, except for what he had seen in negative portrayals on TV and in movies.

He shared, "When I first heard the news, I was shocked and didn't know how to respond. As the older sibling, I was used to being in control and offering advice. This situation was new to me, and I felt paralyzed." Christian admitted that he avoided the topic, thinking his sister might not want to discuss it. However, he realized that ignoring the issue was not helpful.

With the encouragement of his family, Christian sought medical help. He found support from a caring psychiatrist and started taking medication to manage his condition.

Taye Diggs Details His Sister's Schizophrenia Diagnosis at 28: ‘She Is Such an Inspiration’

Taye Diggs Details His Sister's Schizophrenia Diagnosis at 28: ‘She Is Such an Inspiration’

Taye Diggs Michael Simon/startraksphoto.com

Taye explained that the pathway to calm was instrumental in helping his sister recover. He emphasized the importance of understanding that a diagnosis of schizophrenia does not mean the end of a person's life. Instead, with proper support and management, it can be handled well. Taye commended his sister for her positive approach towards managing the condition.

As part of the "Live Your PosSCZible" campaign, which was launched in collaboration with Bristol Myers Squibb for Mental Health Awareness Month and in anticipation of World Schizophrenia Day on May 24, Taye aims to change the way people perceive individuals living with schizophrenia.

Taye assures fans that Christian is supportive of him sharing her story to bring awareness. He also wants people to learn from his experience and never hesitate to be a support system through the unknowns.

“I was imagining everybody whispering about her and me feeling shame and wondering if I was always gonna have to be on guard and it was none of that,” the Private Practice actor said. “She figured out how she needed to adjust. I’m not saying it’s all rainbows and birthday cakes. She lost a couple of jobs because it was too much, but she learned from those experiences and now she’s at a point where she knows what her triggers are. It’s just very impressive.”

"It's really easy to jump to conclusions," Taye mentioned. "We often assume that someone else will handle it. However, when we reached out to her, we understood that it was one of the key factors that helped her get through it. People require support. They need to feel a sense of pride or at the very least, not feel criticized when they look around."

Reported by Christina Garibaldi

Editor's P/S:

This article sheds light on the often misunderstood diagnosis of schizophrenia, a complex mental illness that affects 20 million people worldwide. Taye Diggs' candid account of his sister's journey with schizophrenia is both inspiring and informative. It underscores the importance of seeking professional help and embracing support systems to manage the condition effectively.

Diggs emphasizes that a diagnosis of schizophrenia does not define an individual's worth or potential. With appropriate treatment and support, people with schizophrenia can lead meaningful and fulfilling lives. The "Live Your PosSCZible" campaign aims to challenge stigma and foster a more inclusive society where individuals with mental health conditions are treated with compassion and respect. By sharing his sister's story, Diggs hopes to inspire others to seek support and empower those affected by schizophrenia to live their best lives.