Tarantino Slams Ryan Reynolds' Netflix Films: Are They Really That Bad?

Tarantino Slams Ryan Reynolds' Netflix Films: Are They Really That Bad?

Tarantino dismisses Ryan Reynolds' Netflix movies, claiming he doesn't even know what they are But is he correct in his assessment?

Despite the success and financial gain Ryan Reynolds has received from his Netflix movies, Quentin Tarantino believes they have failed to make an impact in the cultural consciousness. In a recent interview with Deadline while discussing his upcoming film The Movie Critic and the state of the theatrical experience in the age of streaming, Tarantino took a jab at Reynolds and his work. As a celebrated filmmaker and cinephile, Tarantino is known for his candid opinions on film and is not afraid to criticize his peers.

Ryan Reynolds has reportedly earned a whopping $50 million for each of his movies on Netflix. While it's impressive that he's making such a significant amount of money, it's worth noting that these movies don't seem to have much of an impact on pop culture. Most people probably haven't even heard of them, let alone watched them. It's almost as if they don't really exist in the grand scheme of things.

Tarantino criticized certain movies, such as 6 Underground, Red Notice, and The Adam Project, for skipping theatrical releases and going straight to streaming. He argues that these films fail to exist in the cultural consciousness. However, it's important to note that a movie's success isn't solely determined by its cultural relevance. Despite Tarantino's criticism, Ryan Reynolds' three Netflix films, including those mentioned, are among the top 10 most-watched movies on the platform. These movies have likely generated significant revenue for both Reynolds and Netflix. Nonetheless, Tarantino's opinion should not be disregarded.

Although the three movies have achieved impressive streaming numbers, their popularity doesn't appear to have made a significant impact on the cultural zeitgeist. Tarantino refrains from criticizing the movies themselves, as he has not viewed them, but laments the fact that their availability on streaming platforms prevents them from achieving cultural relevance. Despite the increasing prevalence of streaming, major theatrical releases like Top Gun: Maverick and Avatar: The Way of Water still reign supreme in terms of cultural significance. While The Movie Critic release date is yet to be announced, Quentin Tarantino is committed to ensuring it has a lengthy theatrical run before becoming available on any streaming services.