The Jujutsu Kaisen manga has sparked intense online discussions, particularly regarding the characters Kashimo and Takaba in recent events. Both characters have confronted the main antagonists, Sukuna and Kenjaku, but while Kashimo was swiftly defeated, Takaba continues to excel.
This has prompted considerable debate among Jujutsu Kaisen fans regarding whether Takaba has overshadowed Kashimo in terms of their respective performances. While opinions may vary, there is a compelling argument to be made that Takaba has indeed outshined Kashimo, with certain elements in the recent manga chapters supporting this viewpoint.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for Jujutsu Kaisen and what is stated here is the writer's personal opinion.
Takaba has made a greater impact against Kenjaku in recent Jujutsu Kaisen chapters than Kashimo against Sukuna
Following Satoru Gojo's demise at the hands of Sukuna, an eager throng of Jujutsu Kaisen devotees held their collective breath, anticipating the display of prowess by Hajime Kashimo. Although he fell short of Sukuna's immense power, fans yearned for an impressive performance as Kashimo faced defeat in a glorious blaze of glory. Alas, their hopes were dashed when the King of Curses repossessed his former vessel, swiftly overpowering Kashimo.
In the meantime, Kenjaku faced Takaba, engaging in a discussion about the significance of comedy. The interaction was captivating, as Kenjaku occasionally entertained the comedian, causing Takaba to question his own existence. It is evident that Takaba won't be able to defeat one of the series' primary adversaries, but his performance surpasses that of Kashimo. This is because author Gege Akutami ventures to examine the essence of comedy through Takaba, adding an intriguing dimension to his character. In contrast, Kashimo's defeat seemed inconsequential to many fans, as he lacked a substantial battle and was swiftly taken down. Additionally, his realization of his own mortality felt like an insignificant detail.
What it means to shine in a battle
In fiction, fights usually serve two purposes: to provide a visual spectacle or to explore meaningful themes related to the story. Unfortunately, Kashimo's fight with Sukuna fails to achieve either. He is quickly defeated, and his conversation with the King of Curses lacks depth and substance.
As a result, Kashimo's character becomes even more unnecessary in the overall plot of Jujutsu Kaisen. His sole motivation was to fight Sukuna, but he doesn't even get the chance to engage in a satisfying battle, which was his ultimate goal. Consequently, his performance against one of the main antagonists becomes even more underwhelming.
Final thoughts
While the confrontation between Takaba and Kenjaku primarily revolves around combating the villain, it also sheds light on Takaba's character. It delves into his backstory, revealing his aspirations in the field of comedy and showcasing his unwavering commitment to his craft. Additionally, the fact that Kenjaku finds amusement in this whole situation adds an intriguing layer, even though this development only spans a few chapters.
The ongoing battle between Takaba and Kenjaku in the Jujutsu Kaisen manga currently feels like a temporary pause, although it does provide Takaba with some much-needed attention and a chance to shine. Unfortunately, Kashimo's fight against Sukuna was underwhelming, failing to deliver the satisfying conclusion that his character deserved after centuries of dedicated pursuit towards a specific objective.
Editor's P/S
In the Jujutsu Kaisen manga, Takaba's dominance over Kashimo is undeniable. While Kashimo's defeat against Sukuna was swift and underwhelming, Takaba's ongoing battle with Kenjaku has provided him with a platform to explore meaningful themes related to the story. Through Takaba, author Gege Akutami delves into the essence of comedy, adding depth to his character and making his performance more impactful.
On the other hand, Kashimo's sole motivation was to fight Sukuna, but he doesn't even get the chance to engage in a satisfying battle, which was his ultimate goal. Consequently, his performance against one of the main antagonists becomes even more underwhelming.