Summoning the Elden Ring Trio: Fingercreeper, Ranni, and Blaidd Unite in Stunning Fan Art

Summoning the Elden Ring Trio: Fingercreeper, Ranni, and Blaidd Unite in Stunning Fan Art

A gifted artist showcases a captivating Elden Ring fan art piece, uniting the eerie Fingercreeper with Blaidd and Ranni Delve into the mesmerizing world of this highly anticipated game through their stunning artwork

A dedicated Elden Ring fan recently shared a breathtaking artwork featuring the Fingercreeper, Ranni the Witch, and Blaidd gathered together for a memorable family photo. The game has cultivated a passionate community since its launch in 2022, inspiring fans to create stunning artwork that draws inspiration from its dark and captivating world, characters, and adversaries.

Among the many intriguing non-playable characters in Elden Ring are Boc the Seamster, Latenna, and Millicent, each with their own fascinating backstories. Players can engage in side quests involving these characters to acquire valuable rewards. One such character is Ranni the Witch, whose quest even impacts the game's ending. Ranni's intriguing personality has sparked the imagination of fans, resulting in captivating fan art, including a creative depiction of her merged with renowned actor Danny DeVito. Additionally, another artist explored the concept of transforming this beloved NPC into a revered rock star.

A user on the Elden Ring subreddit, girl_snap_out_of_it, has shared their artwork that pays tribute to the Fingercreeper, Ranni the Witcher, and Blaidd. The artwork showcases various intricate details, such as Ranni's expression and the golden rings adorning the Fingercreeper's fingers. It seems that the creature gave one of its rings to Ranni, who responded with a smile. On the other hand, Blaidd embodies a gentle demeanor and wears a flower by his ear.

The artwork has garnered over 6,400 upvotes from users, with some expressing their desire for more exploration of Blaidd and Ranni's stories within the game. Elden Ring enthusiasts have also acknowledged the artwork's appropriateness in capturing the emotional depth of the characters and are curious to see if the artist will create more drawings featuring other beloved characters from Elden Ring.

Blaidd, a memorable NPC in The Lands Between, serves faithfully under Ranni the Witch. Players will encounter this half-wolf character while exploring Mistwood Ruins in West Limgrave, where they may also discover valuable loot. Blaidd's story in Elden Ring is that of a tragic hero, filled with drama and an inability to defy his own fate. A cursed figure commanded by the Two Fingers, his sole purpose is to protect Ranni regardless of the consequences.

Elden Ring presents players with a multitude of unsettling opponents, among them the Fingercreepers. These eerie creatures can elicit a feeling of oppression due to their unsettling design. While exploring the gardens of Caria Manor, players may come face-to-face with these disembodied beings capable of swiftly ending their lives. Fortunately, Fingercreepers are vulnerable to fire, allowing players to wield weapons that inflict fire damage for a more effective means of dispatching them.

Elden Ring is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.