Sukuna's Ultimate Revelation Revealed in Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 239 - Mind-Blowing Theory

Sukuna's Ultimate Revelation Revealed in Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 239 - Mind-Blowing Theory

Discover intriguing theories surrounding Sukuna's ultimate plan in Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 239 Will Higuruma and Yuji face their demise? Can Sukuna be defeated? Unveil the suspense as the battle unfolds without any further casualties Stay tuned!

Chapter 239 of Jujutsu Kaisen is yet to be released, but there are ongoing discussions and theories about how the intense battle with Sukuna will conclude. Some propose that Sukuna will be defeated or injured, while others suggest that he will emerge victorious, taking the lives of Higuruma and Yuji, considering his previous triumph over Gojo and Kashimo. The manga has been full of unexpected turns since the Shibuya Incident, featuring significant encounters with Sukuna. With Yuji and Higuruma in the line of fire, it is worth exploring and analyzing the validity of these theories.

Disclaimer: The subsequent content will contain spoilers for Jujutsu Kaisen, specifically pertaining to the latest manga chapters. All viewpoints expressed herein are solely those of the referenced fans and the author.

Sukuna's victories spawn theories about Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 239

Theory 1: Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 239 will result in Higuruma and Yuji's deaths

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Sukuna has been consistently successful in defeating his adversaries throughout Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 239. In chapter 236, he effortlessly killed Satoru Gojo using a series of astonishing abilities, which some have deemed excessively contrived. In chapter 238, he disposed of Kashimo after engaging in a discussion about love.

Many believe that Sukuna will continue to prevail due to his extraordinary and extensively displayed power. His extraordinary speed and diverse range of techniques have repeatedly ensured his victory, as exemplified in his encounter with Jogo during the Shibuya Incident.

Theory 2: Sukuna gets defeated or injured

It has been demonstrated that within Yuji's physical frame, he possesses the capability to effectively confront formidable curses such as Jogo and others categorized as special grade, sans significant difficulty. Consequently, speculations have arisen pertaining to Sukuna harboring an additional hidden advantage involving his Malevolent Shrine, in addition to the various other abilities he possesses while occupying Megumi's body.

Sukuna's Ultimate Revelation Revealed in Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 239 - Mind-Blowing Theory

In Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 238, Yuji and Higuruma team up to confront Sukuna. There are two prevailing theories regarding the outcome: one suggests that Sukuna will be harmed or killed by their combined efforts, while the other proposes that Sukuna will remain unscathed. This leads to an interesting analysis of Sukuna's character, portraying him as deliberately shallow in order to contrast with Yuji Itadori.

Sukuna's comprehension extends only to his own selfishness, as evident in his vehement rant against Kashimo in chapter 238. He unequivocally embodies the role of a villain, regarding himself as the sole worthy individual while treating others as mere nuisances to be eliminated. He displays no concern for anyone or anything else.

So, what is it about Yuji that so infuriates and unsettles Sukuna, leading people to believe in Yuji's eventual triumph? The answer is simple: Yuji refuses to engage with Sukuna on the same terms as Gojo or Kashimo did. Sukuna constantly finds himself frustrated by Yuji's ability to contain him, his tenacity in continually rising despite the odds, and his ability to form genuine friendships. These factors may ultimately lead to Sukuna's downfall in chapter 239 of Jujutsu Kaisen.

Theory 3: Nobody else dies in Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 239

Sukuna's Ultimate Revelation Revealed in Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 239 - Mind-Blowing Theory

Gojo and Kashimo's deaths in Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 236 and 238 (Image via Our Website)

Another theory circulating suggests that only Higuruma will suffer defeat or injury, or perhaps nobody else will die. This theory is more of a meta concept since it would avoid the clash between Kenjaku and Sukuna, which would turn the story into a battle among villains. While some fans might be intrigued by that prospect, a larger portion would prefer to see the story retain its original essence.

Sukuna has already faced extreme challenges, pushing himself to his limits to eliminate both Gojo and Kashimo. He has narrowly escaped death multiple times in these intense encounters. Similarly, Higuruma, despite achieving victories against various sorcerers and curses, has come perilously close to losing his life in this conflict. Itadori, as expected of a typical shonen protagonist, has also confronted his mortality on numerous occasions throughout the events of Jujutsu Kaisen.

In simpler terms, this unique approach sets aside the concept of a "strongest person ever" which is commonly seen in shonen manga, and instead places emphasis on the unfolding narrative.

There is a possibility that both Higuruma and Yuji could sustain injuries as a result of this situation. While it is expected for Sukuna to eventually meet his demise to pave the way for Kenjaku's plans, it is unexpected for this to occur in Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 239.

With the release of Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 239 in 11 days, fans are speculating on the upcoming events. Considering the deaths caused by Sukuna, including Megumi's sister, it is inevitable that the King of Curses will meet his end. The only uncertainty lies in the manner and timing of his defeat, as Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 239 might be too soon given the recent Gojo showdown. The anticipation for Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 239 is heightened, particularly for those hoping to witness the clash between Higuruma's domain expansion and Sukuna, or the possibility of Sukuna being trapped within it. One thing is certain: the King of Curses will not go down without a fight. While the menace of Kenjaku looms on the horizon, Sukuna must be overcome first.