Sudden Capture: Char Seizes Victory in Kagurabachi Chapter 10, Sojo vs Chihiro

Sudden Capture: Char Seizes Victory in Kagurabachi Chapter 10, Sojo vs Chihiro

Kagurabachi chapter 10: A gripping turn of events as Char falls into enemy hands, leaving Chihiro's nightmare a horrifying reality

In the much-anticipated Kagurabachi chapter 10, instead of witnessing the conclusion of the intense Sojo vs. Chihiro battle from the previous week, readers were taken by surprise when Sojo's henchmen abducted Char, following their boss' orders. This unexpected twist revealed the cunningness of the Mafia boss in furthering his hidden agenda. In the previous chapter, Chihiro Rokuhira valiantly wielded his blade against Genichi Sojo, the Cloud Gouger user, despite his exhaustion. Showing incredible bravery, Chihiro fought to protect the innocent civilians in his surroundings.

Kagurabachi chapter 10 highlights: Chihiro's nightmare becomes reality as Sojo's lackeys abduct Char

Chapter 10 of Kagurabachi was released in Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump 51 on Monday, November 20, 2023, at 12 am JST. Entitled "Swift," the chapter began with Chihiro utilizing his blade's Nishiki to confront Sojo. The chapter revealed that Nishiki bestowed the user with an enhanced life force, amplifying their every movement. However, due to exhaustion from a prior battle, Chihiro found it increasingly challenging to continue fighting.

Sudden Capture: Char Seizes Victory in Kagurabachi Chapter 10, Sojo vs Chihiro

Sojo encountered difficulties in wielding the Cloud Gouger as he had only possessed it for a week. In Kagurabachi chapter 10, the Mafia boss mocked Chihiro for his lofty ideals regarding the usage of the enchanted blade.

Sudden Capture: Char Seizes Victory in Kagurabachi Chapter 10, Sojo vs Chihiro

Sojo's Icicle Thorns in Kagurabachi Chapter 10 (Image via Takeru Hokazono/Shueisha)

Sojo saw the blades as tools meant for killing and causing harm, contrasting the protagonist's perspective. This angered Chihiro greatly, leading him to aggressively charge at Sojo with his Nishiki sword. However, Sojo skillfully defended against Chihiro's attack.

In chapter 10 of Kagurabachi, Genichi Sojo showcased the second ability of Cloud Gouger, creating a field of Icicle Thorns. Despite being transformed into a fish-like state by his Nishiki, Chihiro managed to evade the thorns and counterattack. Yet, his opponent was quick enough to anticipate and respond to the attack.

Sojo attempted to strike back with his blade, but Chihiro narrowly avoided the attack just in the nick of time. Despite being close to his breaking point, the main character was determined to end the fight with a decisive final blow.

Sudden Capture: Char Seizes Victory in Kagurabachi Chapter 10, Sojo vs Chihiro

Chihiro, as depicted in the manga (Image via Takeru Hokazono/Shueisha)

In Kagurabachi chapter 10, Chihiro noticed a car passing by with a child's leg hanging out of the window, causing a disturbing realization that Gojo's subordinates may be present. Without hesitation, Chihiro swiftly approached the car, taking advantage of Nishiki's influence. The Mafia boss attempted to intervene, but was unexpectedly attacked by five Kamunabi sorcerers. Despite being capable of confronting them, the sudden appearance of Azami and Shiba forced Chihiro to abandon the situation.

Kagurabachi chapter 10 revolves around Chihiro brandishing his sword, slaying one of Sojo's henchmen who held Char's amputated leg. Intrigued, he halts his vehicle and confronts the other occupant to inquire about Char's whereabouts.

Sudden Capture: Char Seizes Victory in Kagurabachi Chapter 10, Sojo vs Chihiro

Chihiro apprehends a subordinate of Sojo (Image via Takeru Hokazono/Shueisha)

The man subsequently disclosed that it was a deliberate strategy orchestrated by Sojo. In line with Kagurabachi chapter 10, Genichi Sojo had directed his subordinates to stage a distraction in order to carry out Char's abduction successfully.

In a sudden realization, Chihiro remembered that he had previously requested Hinao to take Char along. Hence, he inquired about Hinao's well-being from the man. However, the battered sorcerer responded with manic laughter, refusing to provide any response to Chihiro's question. In response, the protagonist with dark hair fatally strikes the man with his blade.

Chihiro was feeling incredibly exhausted as a result of depleting a significant portion of his Genryoku. Shiba swiftly rushed to his side and lifted him up, revealing that the Mafia Boss had fled the vicinity.

Sudden Capture: Char Seizes Victory in Kagurabachi Chapter 10, Sojo vs Chihiro

A panel in Kagurabachi chapter 10 (Image via Takeru Hokazono/Shueisha)

In Kagurabachi chapter 10, Genichi Sojo united with his followers, successfully kidnapping Char. The sinister sorcerers witnessed the young girl's extraordinary healing powers and considered her a valuable asset to surpass Kunishige's creations.

Satisfied with his mission, Sojo desired to confront Chihiro once more, particularly upon learning that Kunishige was his father. Chapter 10 of Kagurabachi concludes with the determined protagonist, with dark hair, resolved to put an end to Sojo's life.

Kagurabachi chapter 10: Analysis and conclusion

In the newest installment of Kagurabachi, a long-standing question in the fandom was finally addressed: Nishiki's extraordinary capabilities. The latest chapter shed light on Nishiki's ability to enhance Chihiro's Genryoku, or life force, ultimately skyrocketing his overall performance.

Thanks to Nishiki, Chihiro can transform into a fish-like form, granting him an immense surge in speed. Additionally, chapter 10 of Kagurabachi unveiled that Genichi Sojo had only possessed Cloud Gouger, one of the renowned six enchanted blades crafted by Kunishige Rokuhira, for a mere week.

Sudden Capture: Char Seizes Victory in Kagurabachi Chapter 10, Sojo vs Chihiro

Nishiki, belonging to Chihiro, is depicted in this image by Takeru Hokazono of Shueisha.

This image serves as evidence explaining why Chihiro was unable to fully utilize Nishiki's capabilities. Devoted followers can argue that Chihiro would have emerged victorious against Sojo if he had not been exhausted from his previous duel. Undoubtedly, this represented a golden opportunity for the protagonist to overpower his opponent.

However, Azami had previously stated that the Kamunabi were incapable of apprehending Sojo due to his sly nature. The chapter unequivocally demonstrated the infinite craftiness of the Mafia boss.

Sudden Capture: Char Seizes Victory in Kagurabachi Chapter 10, Sojo vs Chihiro

Genichi Sojo, depicted in the manga (Image via Takeru Hokazono/Shueisha)

Moreover, in Kagurabachi chapter 10, fresh characters were unveiled. Although limited information is available about the Kamunabi members at present, it was apparent that one of them possessed the ability to manipulate earth and employ it as a protective barrier.

Furthermore, the chapter subtly suggested that Sojo intended to utilize Char's healing power to reconstruct Kunishige's magical sword, albeit in a more potent form. Unquestionably, he maintains associations with the Hishaku, and it is plausible that they were the ones who instructed him to acquire Char.

Sudden Capture: Char Seizes Victory in Kagurabachi Chapter 10, Sojo vs Chihiro

Seen in Kagurabachi (Image via Takeru Hokazono/Shueisha), one aspect in this chapter remains unclear: Hinao's fate. In a single panel, her condition appears to be severe. However, with Shiba and the arrival of the Kamunabi, fans can anticipate Hinao's survival.

Takeru Hokazono is unlikely to eliminate such a vital and beloved character at this stage of the manga. In general, the tenth chapter of Kagurabachi has effectively guided the story in the intended direction, leaving fans eagerly anticipating the upcoming developments in the narrative. Stay updated with further anime news and manga updates throughout the progression of 2023.

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z netizen, I have mixed feelings about the sudden turn of events in Kagurabachi chapter 10. On one hand, I am intrigued by the cunningness of Sojo and his henchmen in abducting Char, as it adds an unexpected layer of suspense to the story. On the other hand, I am concerned about the well-being of Char and Hinao, and I hope that Chihiro will be able to rescue them safely.

I appreciate the way the author has developed the character of Sojo in this chapter. He is portrayed as a ruthless and cunning villain who is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals, even if it means sacrificing his own men. This makes him a formidable opponent for Chihiro, and I am excited to see how their battle will unfold in future chapters.

Overall, I think Kagurabachi chapter 10 is a solid chapter that sets the stage for an exciting conclusion to the Sojo vs. Chihiro battle. I am eager to see what happens next and how Chihiro will overcome the challenges that lie ahead.