Starfield: A Revolutionary Blend of Oblivion and Skyrim that Will Leave Gamers in Awe

Starfield: A Revolutionary Blend of Oblivion and Skyrim that Will Leave Gamers in Awe

According to Xbox's Phil Spencer, Starfield, Bethesda's highly anticipated open-world RPG, is said to bear closer resemblance to the beloved classic Oblivion rather than the more recent hit, Skyrim


Starfield, the highly anticipated game from Bethesda, is said to have more similarities to Oblivion than to Skyrim, according to Head of Xbox Phil Spencer.

Starfield utilizes the established Bethesda formula seen in The Elder Scrolls and Fallout games and implements it within a science fiction, outer-space backdrop.

Although Spencer did not provide specific details about his comparison, enthusiasts conjecture that Starfield might incorporate more intricate RPG mechanics and potentially offer more remarkable quests and storylines, reminiscent of Oblivion.

According to Xbox Head Phil Spencer, Starfield will resemble The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion more than Skyrim. Although often described as Skyrim in space, Starfield incorporates the established Bethesda formula seen in The Elder Scrolls and Fallout games and applies it to a sci-fi, outer-space setting.

Starfield's gameplay videos showcase a game that will feel familiar to fans of Bethesda's previous works. While it does have distinct features that set it apart from its predecessors, it undeniably draws heavily from The Elder Scrolls and Fallout. Although frequently compared to Skyrim, Phil Spencer believes Starfield bears more similarities to Oblivion.

Head of Xbox, Phil Spencer, recently discussed his thoughts on Starfield in an interview with IGN at Gamescom 2023. According to Spencer, he has already invested approximately 200 hours into the game and believes it leans more towards the style of Oblivion than Skyrim. Although he didn't elaborate further on his statement, Spencer did emphasize that Starfield is an "epic, epic game."

When considering Spencer's comparison of Starfield to Oblivion instead of Skyrim, one might assume that he is referring to the deeper and more intricate RPG mechanics present in Oblivion. In contrast, Skyrim was designed with a more streamlined approach to appeal to a broader audience. It is worth noting that some fans argue that Oblivion boasts more memorable quests and storylines, which could be what Spencer is hinting at, although this is subjective.

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Spencer's comparison to Oblivion remains unclear, but Bethesda fans will soon have the opportunity to experience the game themselves. Bethesda has announced the release times for Starfield, which will go live on September 5 at 5pm PT. However, those interested in early access can start playing Starfield much sooner. Depending on their location, early access to Starfield will be available on either August 31 or September 1.

For those eagerly awaiting the chance to play Starfield and are willing to pay for early access, there are two options available. They can either purchase the Premium Edition for $99.99 or opt for the Premium Edition Upgrade priced at $34.99. Players who plan on accessing Starfield through Xbox Game Pass but still desire early access should go for the Premium Edition Upgrade, as it grants them the opportunity to play without having to purchase the base game separately.

Starfield launches September 6 for PC and Xbox Series X.