Squid Game's Heart-wrenching Marble Game Leaves Fans Emotionally Shattered

Squid Game's Heart-wrenching Marble Game Leaves Fans Emotionally Shattered

Squid Game: The Challenge viewers left devastated by the emotionally gripping marble game eliminations in Episode 6

Now with nine episodes ready for streaming on Netflix, the eliminations in Squid Game: The Challenge have been particularly harsh, especially during the marble game. This challenge was taken directly from the original Netflix drama, along with others such as Dalogna and Red Light, Green Light.

After the initial release of five episodes, the player count decreased to 73, leaving the remaining contestants to compete in the sand pits of the marble game room.

For one duo, this led to a particularly difficult farewell, as Squid Game: The Challenge viewers were left devastated by the "emotionally intense" outcomes. Warning - spoilers below!

Squid Game: The Challenge marble game eliminations “emotionally intense”

Episode 6 of Squid Game: The Challenge shows mother-son duo 301 (Trey) and 302 (LeAnn) being prized apart, with 302 being eliminated during the marble game.

Squid Game's Heart-wrenching Marble Game Leaves Fans Emotionally Shattered


In the fourth official game of the reality series, the contestants were divided into pairs and placed in different sections of the same room. Here, each pair discovers that only one of them will make it out alive, as they compete against each other in a childhood marble game to determine the survivor.

301 dealt the final blow by landing his marble directly in the center of the drawn-out parameters, eliminating 302's mom in the process. 302 tearfully expressed that she didn't want to leave, resulting in an emotional farewell before 301 was escorted away, leaving 302 behind.

"Talk about an emotionally intense marble game between 301 and 302," one fan commented on X/Twitter in reaction to the outcome. Another fan disagreed, stating, "Any SEO watching Squid Game: The Challenge already knows 302's fate is only temporary."

Fans are going wild over the Marble game in Squid Game: The Challenge. Some are shocked at the alliances formed in episode 5, while others are feeling the sting of the results. Episode 302 has been especially popular with viewers.

"LeAnn (302) demonstrating her love for Taylor Swift is everything!!! Friendship bracelet and all, she definitely deserves a stan card, queen!!!" one viewer exclaimed, while another added, "I'm going to be devastated if it's not 302, sorry, but Grandma is really invested in this."

"I will be devastated when 301 and 302 are removed. It's like a real-life version of Squid Game," another user expressed.

Stream Squid Game: The Challenge Episodes 1-9 on Netflix now, with the finale coming next week. Explore our other related content below.

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z fan, I have mixed feelings about the marble game in Squid Game: The Challenge. On the one hand, I think it's a really intense and emotional game that leaves viewers on the edge of their seats. On the other hand, I think it's a bit too cruel and unnecessary.

I think the marble game is a good way to test the players' strategic thinking and emotional resilience. However, I think it's a bit too much to ask them to compete against each other in a game where only one of them can survive. I think it would be more fair if they were competing against the game itself, rather than each other.

Overall, I think the marble game is a well-designed and suspenseful game that makes for great TV. However, I think it's important to remember that it's just a game, and that the players are real people who are putting themselves through a lot of emotional and physical stress.