Squid Game's Ashley Spotted Cheering on the Winner

Squid Game's Ashley Spotted Cheering on the Winner

Squid Game's notorious antagonist, Player 287 aka Ashley Tolbert, was caught on camera jubilantly rejoicing alongside the victorious contender of the gripping Netflix series

Player 287, Ashley Tolbert, the so-called "villain" of Squid Game: The Challenge, was captured celebrating enthusiastically after winning the Netflix series. Ashley's actions stirred controversy during her time on the show, with viewers labeling her as a "villain" and a "coward" for her refusal to participate as a team player in the Glass Bridge challenge, ultimately leading to the elimination of Player 301, Trey Plutnicki, a beloved fan favorite.

After clashing with finalist Player 278, Mai Whelan, she faced even more criticism. However, Ashley appeared unfazed by the online backlash, instead posting playful Instagram content aimed at her detractors.

Many spectators speculated that she may not have been happy about the winner of Squid Game: The Challenge. But it turns out, the opposite is true. (Spoiler alert!)

Squid Game “villain” Ashley filmed “celebrating” winner

After Mai's victory in Squid Game: The Challenge, there was speculation that Ashley might harbor some bitterness due to their rivalry. However, a video has surfaced showing Ashley joyously celebrating the news.

Check it out: 

After the finale was released on Netflix, a viewer took to X/Twitter to share their reaction. They posted the Arthur fist meme with the caption: "Ashley after watching Mai take home $4.56M." Another commenter expressed satisfaction in seeing Mai win, considering how she was treated by Ashley and the others, calling it sweet revenge. A third person commented, "I’m just happy to know Ashley is somewhere mad rn that Mai won."

Based on the video, it seems that the feud has been resolved. The footage was posted by Dalton Ross, a reporter from Entertainment Weekly, who identified the woman cheering for Mai as Ashley. "I should mention that the person enthusiastically celebrating for Mai right in front of me is none other than... Ashley. #SquidGameTheChallenge," he commented.

Squid Game: The Challenge is available to stream on Netflix now. You can check out more of our coverage below:

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z fan, I was thrilled to see Ashley Tolbert, the so-called "villain" of Squid Game: The Challenge, celebrating the victory of Mai Whelan. It's refreshing to see that despite their on-screen rivalry, Ashley was able to put aside any negative feelings and genuinely support Mai's success. This moment highlights the importance of sportsmanship and camaraderie, even in the midst of intense competition.

I believe that Ashley's reaction is a testament to the power of the human spirit and our ability to overcome adversity. Despite facing criticism and backlash from viewers, Ashley remained resilient and focused on the positive aspects of the experience. Her genuine joy for Mai's victory serves as a reminder that we should always strive to uplift and support one another, regardless of our differences or past conflicts.