Square Enix's Manufacturing Error: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Discs Mislabelled

As the highly anticipated Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth hits the shelves, Square Enix faces a manufacturing mishap with mislabeled discs in certain markets. Learn more about the mix-up surrounding the game's dual discs.
Square Enix announced that some copies of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth sold in Japan and Asia had mislabeled discs, with the Data Disc and Play Disc labels switched during manufacturing. They posted a notice on social media and provided affected players with instructions on how to address the issue.
Physical copies of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth are distributed on two discs, the Data Disc and the Play Disc, similar to the initial release of Final Fantasy 7 Remake on two PS4 discs in 2020. Players must use the Data Disc to install the game on the PS5 first, followed by switching to the Play Disc to complete the installation process. After this, only the Play Disc is necessary to start playing the game. With the game requiring over 145 GB of storage and each PS5 disc capable of holding up to 100 GB of data, the use of two discs for physical copies of the game was necessary.
While physical discs are not required for preloaded editions of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth on the PlayStation Store, users who choose to purchase a physical copy may encounter an issue. Square Enix has acknowledged an error in manufacturing where the Play Disc and Data Disc labels were mistakenly reversed. The company stated that Sony was responsible for the manufacturing process and as of now, Sony has not provided any comments on the matter. Although the problem has been reported in Japan and parts of Asia, it is uncertain if this issue has affected Western markets.
A screenshot from Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth showing Aerith Gainsborough. - However, Square Enix said that the contents of each disc remained intact
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Mislabeled Disc Workaround
However, Square Enix has confirmed that the contents of each disc are still intact. Therefore, players can simply use the Play Disc for installation and the Data Disc for gameplay. While the disc mix-up may not be as controversial as the yellow paint issue among fans of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, it is unclear whether Sony or Square Enix will provide refunds to affected users or if the mislabeled discs will become sought-after collectibles.
final-fantasy-7-rebirth-mislabled-discs-play-data-ps5 - Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Mislabled Disc Workaround
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth has been receiving rave reviews, despite the mislabeled disc problem. It remains to be seen how Square Enix will maintain this positive momentum in the midst of a packed schedule in 2024.
Editor's P/S:
The mislabeling of discs in some physical copies of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is a curious oversight that highlights the potential pitfalls of physical media production. While the error does not affect the game's functionality, it raises concerns about the quality control measures in place during manufacturing. It is commendable that Square Enix has promptly acknowledged the issue and provided instructions for affected players.
Despite this minor hiccup, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth has been met with critical acclaim, showcasing the continued success of the beloved franchise. The game's sprawling story, stunning visuals, and engaging gameplay have resonated with fans and critics alike. As Square Enix navigates a busy release schedule in 2024, it will be intriguing to see how they maintain the momentum and continue to deliver high-quality gaming experiences.