Spider-Man 2's Map Swings to New Heights with Double the Size

Spider-Man 2's Map Swings to New Heights with Double the Size

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 promises an even larger and more immersive open-world experience, with the map expanding beyond Manhattan and doubling in size from its predecessor Get ready to swing across a bigger and more detailed New York City in this highly anticipated sequel

The upcoming Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is set to have a map that is twice the size of its predecessor, according to the creative director. This means that the game will feature one of the largest open-world environments available, as the first game already offered a vast and engaging area to explore. The 2018 release of the first Spider-Man game for PS4 was widely praised for its ability to capture the essence of being Spider-Man. One of the game's standout features was the exhilarating freedom of web-swinging around Manhattan, which was already significantly larger than Insomniac Games' previous title, Sunset Overdrive. With the sequel, players can anticipate an even greater expansion of the map, providing a whole new level of exploration and adventure.

Queens and Brooklyn are set to become new explorable areas in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, adding to the already impressive playable map of Manhattan. In a recent interview with Famitsu, Insomniac Games creative director Bryan Intihar confirmed that this expansion will approximately double the game's size.

Spider-Man 2's Map Swings to New Heights with Double the Size

The upcoming Marvel's Spider-Man 2 will introduce two new areas that are predominantly residential, offering a unique gameplay experience compared to the towering skyscrapers of Manhattan. These areas are said to possess a "different charm," according to creative director, Bryan Intihar. In addition to this, the game will showcase some memorable moments, such as an epic battle above the river between two cities. With improved traversal mechanics, players will be able to move between areas with greater ease. Furthermore, the game will allow players to take on the roles of both Peter Parker and Miles Morales with different abilities and a new character-switching system. This feature will allow players to switch between the characters at any point in the game, except during missions, offering distinct gameplay experiences in a massive and exciting explorable area.

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 releases in fall 2023 for PS5.

Source: Famitsu (via Gematsu)