Sound of Freedom: A Controversial Tale
The shocking success of the 2023 crime thriller film 'Sound of Freedom' has been followed by a series of controversies surrounding the movie, its inspiration, and the people involved. From allegations of inaccuracy to sexual misconduct lawsuits, the story behind the movie has been widely debated and criticized. Here's a comprehensive look at the controversies and events surrounding 'Sound of Freedom'.
The Controversies Surrounding Sound of Freedom
Sound of Freedom premiered in July 2023 and was a surprise hit at the box office. But in the months following its release, the movie, the people behind the making of it, and its inspiration have been at the center of numerous controversies. The 2023 Angel Studios crime thriller film is based on Tim Ballard's work to combat sex trafficking and revolves around one of his missions to save a girl from a trafficking ring in Columbia. However, the truth behind the movie (and Ballard's accounts of his missions) has been questioned by many after its premiere.
Jim Caviezel in Sound of Freedom
The cast of Sound of Freedom featured Jim Caviezel as Tim Ballard, Mira Sorvino as Katherine Ballard, Bill Camp as Vampiro, Eduardo Verástegui as Paulo Delgado, Javier Godino as Jorge, José Zúñiga as Roberto Aguilar, Kurt Fuller as Frost, Gary Basaraba as Earl Buchanan, and Gerardo Taracena as El Alacrán. They came together to adapt Ballard's tale for the big screen with a script written by Alejandro Monteverde (also the director) and Rod Barr. Despite its shocking success (the movie grossed $250.3 million against a $14.5 million budget), there is much debate concerning the story's validity, especially since Ballard and others have been accused of several controversial actions.
Sound of Freedom Mashup Image
Tim Ballard Parted Ways With Operation Underground Railroad. Shortly after the release of Sound of Freedom on July 4, 2023, Operation Underground Railroad — the Utah-based anti-sex trafficking organization that Tim Ballard founded in 2013 — announced that Ballard had left the nonprofit in June 2023. He was the CEO, and given his recent increase in publicity due to the film about his life, it was surprising to learn that Ballard was no longer attached to Operation Underground Railroad. However, in the weeks following the news about his disassociation with the organization, it became clear why Ballard parted ways with the nonprofit (which has also been at the center of controversy regarding its methods, funding, and alleged false claims).
The Validity of Sound of Freedom
Sound Of Freedom Has Been Accused Of Inaccuracy. Some experts allege that Sound of Freedom is primarily a work of fiction rather than a true tale of Tim Ballard's mission to save children from sex trafficking in Columbia. They claimed that the 2023 crime thriller's depiction of child sex trafficking and how the government combats it was inaccurate. These statements led to others revisiting investigations into Operation Underground Railroad and how truthful the organization had been when reporting figures concerning how many people its members had saved from sex trafficking. Plus, the nonprofit has been criticized for its methods. As a result, the truthfulness behind the movie has been widely debated.
A mission team on the beach in Sound of Freedom.
Tim Ballard Was Interested In Running For The Senate. In the months following the release of Sound of Freedom, NBC News reported that Tim Ballard was 'very seriously considering' running for a vacant United States Senate seat in 2024. Mitt Romney, the junior Senator from Utah, previously announced that he would not run for reelection and would retire following the conclusion of his current term in 2025. So, Ballard was interested in running for Romney's Utah seat, but that might change due to recent events.
Allegations and Lawsuits
The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints Denounced Tim Ballard. After the sexual misconduct allegations concerning Tim Ballard's behavior within Operation Underground Railroad became public, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints excommunicated him. It also didn't help that Ballard had previously claimed that M. Russell Ballard, the president of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of the Mormon Church until his death in November 2023, approved of his work with his nonprofit. The Church released a personal rebuke of Ballard that stated: '[We] never endorsed, supported or represented OUR, Tim Ballard or any projects associated with them. Once it became clear Tim Ballard had betrayed their friendship, through the unauthorized use of President Ballard's name for Tim Ballard's personal advantage and activity regarded as morally unacceptable, President Ballard withdrew his association.'
Sexual Assault Lawsuits Have Been Filed Against Tim Ballard. In October 2023, five anonymous women filed a sexual assault lawsuit against Tim Ballard that alleged the former CEO of Operation Underground Railroad had manipulated and abused them during undercover missions. The lawsuit also claims that the higher-ups at Operation Underground Railroad were aware of the misconduct and did nothing about it. Quickly after the lawsuit became public, a sixth woman came forward and filed her own lawsuit. The Slate article goes into more detail concerning the troubling allegations, but most of them revolve around Ballard taking advantage of women while they were undercover as sex trafficking victims.